Part One - Chapter Twenty-Three: Important Decisions

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Felisa slowly packed away her things into her suitcase as she thought about how things had gone downhill for her, she knew that she would never see Cristiano again and she didn’t know yet if that was a good or bad thing.

Dolores watched her as the brunette worked quietly, she had insisted on dropping Felisa off at the airport before she got ready for her wedding; the brunette had gotten the earliest flight that was available out of Portugal so that she could head home.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay for the wedding?” Dolores asked as she watched Felisa fold the dress that she had original chosen to wear for the wedding and put it into her suitcase; she knew that this was a big mistake but there was no changing Felisa’s mind about any of this.

Felisa nodded her head, she knew that someday she would probably regret running away like this but she couldn’t bear to be in Portugal anymore; she didn’t think that Cristiano was going to change his mind after what had happened between them.

The brunette was wearing black spotty zip side top and blue wash jeggings paired with beige ankle boots for her flight home and she knew that this was it for her; there was no going back and she knew that the sooner that she was home the better.

“He’ll regret letting you go,” Dolores said as she moved to help the brunette pack, she wished that she could do something but short of dragging Felisa to the wedding there was nothing that she could do; Felisa had made it clear that she was set on leaving.

The brunette nodded her head, she knew what Dolores was trying to do and she wasn’t falling for it; she highly doubted that Cristiano would even miss her when she left.

Felisa was just about to close her suitcases when she remembered something, she stopped as she reached into the side pocket inside of her suitcase and pulled something out; she swallowed at the sight of it knowing her madame wasn’t going to be happy about this.

Dolores watched confused as Felisa moved to collect an envelope and some paper, she didn’t know what the brunette had gotten out of her bag but it looked like a piece of paper; she watched as Felisa sat down and wrote out a letter.

Felisa sniffled as she carefully wrote out a letter to Cristiano, she knew what she was doing wouldn’t change anything but this was her way of saying goodbye to him; she would never see him again and she wanted to do this for him.

The brunette finished her letter and she moved to put the cheque that the footballer had given her when she had come to work for him into the envelope with her letter; she knew that this was the least that she could do for him.

“Could you give this to him for me?” Felisa asked as she sealed the envelope and looked at Dolores, she looked at the older woman hopefully; she couldn’t do it herself but she knew that he had to have this closer like she did.

Dolores stared at Felisa for a moment before she nodded her head, she reached for the letter knowing that she could do this for the brunette.


Elma frowned as she walked over to her brother as he dressed for their mother’s wedding, she knew that he was still angry about what had happened the night before; she didn’t blame him.

“How are you?” Elma asked as she looked at her brother, she wondered what had happened between him and Felisa since she hadn’t seen the brunette that morning; she looked around wondering if the brunette was hovering about somewhere.

Cristiano glared at his older sister, he wasn’t going to mess up his mother’s wedding but he hadn’t forgiven his family for what had happened; he didn’t know when he would ever forgive them all for keeping this from him.

“I’m fine,” Cristiano said shortly as he buttoned up his shirt, he hadn’t slept a wink that night and his mind had been focused on Felisa; he was disappointed that he missed her after what she had done to him.

Elma nodded her head, she looked at her brother wishing that there was some way to fix the hurt that he felt right now; she wasn’t even upset anymore that Felisa was an escort, she made her brother happy.

“I haven’t seen Felisa,” Elma said as she looked around, she hoped that Cristiano hadn’t done anything stupid; the brunette had clearly fallen for him and he had fallen for her.

Cristiano paused for a moment as he tried to stop his hands from shaking, he didn’t want to admit that he had lashed out at the brunette and had driven her away.

“She’s gone,” Cristiano said as he looked at Elma, he didn’t want to talk about this especially when he knew that he would never be able to forget their fight; already doubt was bubbling in his stomach and he didn’t like it.

His older sister opened her mouth, she knew that he was going to regret this if he didn’t do something now; he would regret not going after her.

“What do you mean gone?” Elma asked as she stepped closer, she knew that he had to react now especially since there was nothing to keep Felisa in Portugal; she knew that if Cristiano didn’t do something then she would leave and he might never find her again.

The footballer took a deep breath as he tried to focus on getting ready, he knew that he had to be ready for his mother’s wedding; he wouldn’t miss this since she deserved to be happy.

“We had a fight and she left last night,” Cristiano said shrugging his shoulders as he tried to tie his tie, he swallowed as Elma stopped him and moved to tie it for him; she looked at him knowing that he was still very upset.

The forward might not care right now what had happened but she knew that later on he would regret losing Felisa; the brunette had made him happy and now she was gone.


“Obrigada for everything,” Felisa said as she hugged Dolores, she closed her eyes knowing that she had to leave now; her flight would be called soon and the brunette had to be on it.

Dolores held the brunette to her as she wondered how Cristiano would take the news that Felisa had gone back to Madrid; she still had the letter but she couldn’t help but wonder if this was really goodbye forever.

“Remember if you ever need anything… you know where to find me,” Dolores said as she pulled back from Felisa, she had given the brunette her details so that Felisa could contact her; she wasn’t sure what would happen when she gave the letter to Cristiano but she hoped her son knew what an idiot he had been.

Felisa swallowed the lump as she felt more tears fill her eyes, the brunette had no idea why she was so emotional right now and she didn’t know why; she just knew her life was never going to be the same.

“I hope you have a nice wedding,” Felisa said as she pulled back from Dolores completely, she knew that this was it for her and when she reached Madrid she was going to make sure that Cristiano didn’t find her; she wanted him to be happy even if he had hurt her.

Dolores nodded her head as she smiled sadly at the brunette, she could only imagine what her son would have been like if he hadn’t messed things up with Felisa. 

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