Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Five: Meeting with Hugo

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Felisa stared up at the address where Hugo had asked her to come and meet him, she blinked as she wondered if she could still do this.

The brunette hadn’t thought that Hugo had landed himself in a rehab centre, she felt bad for him but she had seen how he had been with alcohol when she had last seen him.

Climbing out of the Audi A4, Felisa sighed as she looked up at the building knowing that the sooner that she headed inside the better.

Cristiano had no idea that she had come to see his brother and the brunette wasn’t going to tell him until she had found out what was going on.

Felisa was sure that she could handle whatever was going on, she knew that Cristiano wasn’t going to like it but Hugo was reaching out for a reason.

The brunette closed and locked her car before she shouldered her tan satchel bag with scalloped edge; she was wearing a pink knit jumper with elbow patches and skinny jeans paired with black and grey suede trainers.

Felisa had told Cristiano that she had a meeting with her publishers, she didn’t want him knowing what she was really doing and he had stayed at home to look after Thalia since the brunette wasn’t going to bring her daughter into this.

Felisa didn’t waste a moment as she headed into the facility and headed straight for the front desk, she was sure that they would be able to clear things up for her.

“I’m here to see Hugo Aveiro,” Felisa said nervously as she looked at the man behind the desk, she really wasn’t sure if she was ready to meddle with whatever was wrong with Hugo.

The brunette had only come to see what Hugo wanted, she knew that there was a chance that she could come to regret coming here to see him.


“Felisa,” Hugo greeted nervously as he watched his brother’s girlfriend step into his room, he knew that she would have questions about this and he was just grateful that she had come.

Cristiano had written him out of his life and Hugo knew that he deserved it after what he had done, however right now he needed his family around him and he hoped Felisa would be able to help.

“You live in a rehab,” Felisa said hoping for some explanation about why she had been asked to come here, she knew that she didn’t have long before Cristiano would wonder where she was.

The brunette crossed her arms as she looked around the nearly empty bedroom that Hugo lived in, she took a deep breath knowing that she was going to have to be strong.

“Alcohol abuse and other things,” Hugo said carefully as he sat down, his brown eyes watching Felisa as he tried to think of how to explain what was going on.

Felisa nodded as she sat down across from him, she could see that a lot had changed in the last year since she had last seen him; she couldn’t help but feel sorry for Hugo.

“Other things?” Felisa asked hoping that things hadn’t gotten so bad that Hugo had turned to other substances to ease his pain; she wasn’t sure how she felt about telling Cristiano what was going on now

. Hugo nodded his head as he looked down at the bracelet on his wrist, he knew that there was no point in denying how low his life had gotten since his affair had been revealed.

“I tried to take my own life… I’m on a lock down right now,” Hugo admitted as he refused to meet Felisa’s eyes, he wasn’t going to be able to handle the pity that she had for him.

The Portuguese hated his life right now and he knew he had no one to blame but himself.

“You tried to kill yourself,” Felisa repeated as if to be sure that she had heard Hugo correctly, her stomach twisted as she looked at him knowing that she couldn’t see him end like that.

Hugo had two wonderful children back in Portugal and they needed him more than anything in his life, he might not see it but people did love him.

“I have nothing left to live for,” Hugo said lowly as he fiddled with his hospital bracelet, he swallowed knowing that he had lost everything for one mistake.

Luciana had destroyed his entire life and had walked away without any consequences, Hugo knew that the woman was never going to be worth his marriage.

“You have everything to live for… how would Alicia and Hugo feel if they lost you, their pai,” Felisa said as she stared at Hugo in disbelief, she wished every day that her father was around and she knew that there was no excuse for what Hugo had planned.

The brunette was sure that if anyone knew what a mess Hugo had found himself in then they would be there for him; she wasn’t sure why he had called her instead of his mother.

Hugo swallowed as he looked up at Felisa, he knew it was time to let her know why he had been writing to her; he knew it was a long shot but he had to try.

“I need your help,” Hugo said softly as he tried to keep calm, there wasn’t much that Felisa could do but he knew that she was his only chance.

Felisa looked at him confused as she wondered what she could do for Hugo, she wasn’t made of money and she wasn’t sure what he expected her to do.

“I need to speak to Cristiano… I need to fix this,” Hugo pleaded as he looked at the brunette, he had done so much damage and he wished to fix it before it was too late.


Felisa walked back to her car silently as she thought about what Hugo had asked of her, she knew that there was no way that she could ask Cristiano to do this.

The footballer had made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with his brother and Felisa respected that but seeing the mess that Hugo was in made her want to try.

Felisa knew that if anything were to happen to Hugo and Cristiano didn’t make amends then he would never forgive himself.

Hearing the news that Hugo had tried to kill himself had shaken Felisa and had made her want to at least talk to her boyfriend about coming to see his brother and talk about what had happened.

Cristiano deserved closure as much as she did about his past and Felisa knew that it still troubled him even if he didn’t talk about how much the betrayal had hurt.

Climbing into her car, Felisa rested her head on the wheel for a moment as she tried to clear her thoughts and make a decision on what she was going to do now.

“What am I going to do?” the brunette whispered as she sat up and ran her fingers through her hair, she knew she was going to have to take this slow with her boyfriend.

Cristiano had no idea that she had been to see Hugo and it was going to take one hell of a conversation when she got home and told him.

Felisa pulled on her seat belt as she checked the time, she had promised to be back by three and she had to leave now to make it home on time.

The brunette still didn’t know what was going to happen when she told Cristiano, she had a feeling there was going to be a fight; she wasn’t looking forward to what could happen.

Felisa looked at the rehab one last time, she knew she couldn’t keep what she had found out to herself and she hoped that Cristiano wasn’t going to like what she had to say.

The brunette could only hope that Thalia wasn’t going to be stuck in the middle of their fight; she didn’t want that for her daughter.

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