48- 16

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Jugheads Point Of View-

I lay in bed debating whether to go and wake Bea up. It was already 9.30 and I could hear Amelia and FP down stairs making a mess and Betty was snoozing beside me.

I bit the bullet and walked into her room, which was Betty's room growing up, I remembered the first time I came to visit Riverdale and being in this room with Betty. It hadn't changed.

"Morning princess" I said walking in with the present I had bought her and sitting on the side of her bed and shaking her lightly.

"Morning daddy" she smiled and gave me a hug.

"Happy birthday" I smiled and gave her the box I had behind my back.

She shot up and gave me a huge grin, to this day I can't believe how beautiful she was. She had long black hair that was down to about the middle of her back and she still had the biggest blue eyes and thickest dark eyelashes.

She opened the box and saw it and squealed jumping on me and giving me a hug and kissing me on the cheek repeatedly.

"Are you letting me!" She squealed.

"Your not doing the dance, but since what I say goes, you technically are" I smiled picking her up and twirling her around.

A short while after me and Betty got married I took over the serpents, the respected me for getting rid of Penny and now I was what some people called the king.

She put on the leather jacket and twirled in the mirror.

"Has Cristal got hers yet!" She said admiring her self.

"I'll speak to her mom, you can give it to her for her birthday" I laughed.

"Aunt Cheryl won't say yes unless you get it in red" she laughed and Amelia walked through the door.

The two girls could be twins but they're a year apart and Amelia has blonde hair like her mother and Bea has my hair.

"Daddy I want my jacket now!" She whinged.

"Mim I said when your 16" I chuckled looking at my two girls.

"That's a whole year away" she whinged.

"You can borrow mine every now and then" Bea offered.

"So when is she getting the tattoo" Amelia said looking at Bea in the mirror and giving her a happy birthday hug. I never knew what was going on with Bea and Mim one minute they were best friends and the next they hated each other. I've had to split up some pretty nasty gal fights and then an hour later they're going to the movies together.

"I'll let you get it, if you report cards good at the end of the semester" Betty appeared from out of no where.

"Thanks mom!" She grinned and Betty walked out the room.

"Tell Mim to get ready where going to get our nails done at 12" Betty said walking into the bathroom and the two girls squealed.

I walked out the room and heard Mim ask to borrow the jacket already.

"No Mim I've only just got it!" I heard Bea say.

"I'll tell dad you.." Mim shouted.

"Shut up mim!" I heard Bea say in anger.

"You'll tell dad what!" I said storming in again.

"Nothing!" They both said at the same time.

"Mim I'll get you a jacket but your getting the tattoo till next year your 15!" I said and walked out the room.

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