6-t w o w e e k s

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👑Jugheads Point Of View

Betty's parents were coming to the apartment tomorrow, just to check up on her. We agreed that we are not going to tell them about us just yet after all it's only been two weeks.

Two weeks!

"Betts" I called out to her, we were in some boutique and she was trying on dresses for the special occasion.

"Yeah" she called back.

"It's been two weeks!" I laughed.

"It's been 13 days!" Betty giggled opening the curtain wearing a red dress that fit her frame perfectly.

"That's hot by the way, and really the two week mark is the night your parents are visiting." I sighed.

"Is the sexual tension getting too much for you?" Betty giggled.

"Well you make me wash your hair whilst your in the bath all wet and slippery and delicious so yes it is" I snarked.

"You like washing my hair though" Betty emerged from behind the curtain pulling her top over her head with the dress in her hands.

"$60 for a dress" I raised my eyebrows looking at her.

"It was on sale" Betty beamed.

"Oh right"

"I'll let you take it off me when Alice and Hal go home" Betty whispered in my ear as we were paying and concealed it as an innocent kiss on the cheek.

"I'll pay for it then" my eyes lit up.

"You can take me to dinner tonight and we'll call it even" she giggled.

The next day.

"Yes mom I'm doing my hair now" Betty sighed into the phone.

"Don't curl it it makes you look weird" Betty's mom replied.

I raised my eyebrows looking over to Betty who was rolling her eyes.

"I'm straightening it" Betty said.

"Good well we are 10 minutes away bye sweetie"

"Bye mom" she said hanging up the phone.

I looked over at Betty who was having a mini panic attack, she was sat at my dresser straightening her hair and I was sat in my bed watching her.

"Your mom sounds.... nice" I laughed.

"She's going to shout out me when she comes" Betty giggled.

"Why" I replied.

"She'll find a reason" Betty huffed and put some sticky lip gloss over her lips.

"So what's the verdict then, too slutty?" She asked me.

"Nope. Perfect" I said grinning at her and then there was a knock on the front door.

"Wish me luck" she whispered giving me a quick kiss and then running out.

🦄Betty's Point Of View

"Oh god Betty what are you wearing!" My mom shouted.

"A dress" I replied.

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