33- m o n t h 3

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🦄Betty's Point Of View~

I lay in bed waiting for my morning sickness to pass. Unfortunately I couldn't shake this one and I flew up out of bed and into the bathroom to throw up, hunching over the toilet spewing my guts into the bowl.
I couldn't hear my alarm over the sound of my own retching so I assumed that's what woke Jughead up, he came behind me and pulled my hair out of my face and rubbed my back.

"Take the day off and get some rest" he pleaded.

"I need to be in before maternity leave, plus I haven't told any one yet" I whimpered, another wave of nausea and my head back in the toilet.

"Baby, please" Jughead pleases again.

"I only have two classes to teach, I'll just do those and come home" I said standing up and tying my hair up.

"Call me if you need anything through out the day okay?" He said kissing my stomach, which was now starting to go round, a tiny bump starting to form.
He got in the shower and I started to put on my make up for the day.

I know pregnancy is supposed to wear you out and make you tired but my little bundle of joy is making me radiate pure happiness and energy, but it's still very early days so I don't want to jinx myself.

With some eyebrows, concealer and a small amount of bronzer I was ready and threw on my usual blouse and pencil skirt. I checked myself in the mirror and realised my little bump was showing so changed into my floaty summer dress and heels and left.

I immediately got a text from Jug.

What have I told you about leaving before breakfast?

Sorry I'm late, I'll pick some up on the way

Okay, call if you need anything x


I pulled into the schools parking lot and checked myself in the mirror before getting out and walking to my first class. Of course I was ten minutes late so it was absolute chaos as I walked in.

"Everybody sit down" I shouted as I let myself into the door and started to write my lesson objectives on the board.

"Today's lesson is development through pregnancy, it's going to be an easy one today guys, we're going to watch a clip on YouTube of what happens in side your body, and how it changes through being pregnant" I said plugging my laptop into the board so it appeared on the screen.

"Charles could you turn the lights off for me, and Katie, pull the blinds down" I said, whilst I was scouting the class and ticking off names on the register.

The smartest girl in the class approached me and asked me for a word in the hall way.

I clicked the video on and left the class to watch it and take notes whilst I spoke with Aleisha in the hall.

"What's up" I said softly.

"I have to leave halfway through the lesson miss, I have a doctors appointment" she said quietly.

"Of course. What's for? And have you got a note just so I know your not lying?" I asked her.

"It's actually for my mom, she's getting her first chemotherapy session" she sniffed and I felt a tear spring to my eye, these hormones are really starting to get on my nerves.

"Aleisha, if you ever want to talk just come to me okay, I know it's tough"I said and she started to tear up too.

I gave her a quick hug and got my keys from around my neck and told her to follow me.

"I'll let you out now" I said taking her through the office.

"Can you sign this girl out for me please she has a doctors appointment" I said to Mrs Frayle at the office.

"Yes miss cooper" the old woman said and I walked back to my lesson.

Another wave of nausea hit me and the assistant teacher who was watching the kids in my class was noticed.

All of a sudden I hurled into the bin and everyone got up to look.

Charles bought me a glass of water and all my students told me to go home if I was sick.

"Betty just go home, I'll cover your classes" Natalie my TA said.

"I can't just keep going home because of a little morning sickness" o sighed and then threw my hand over my mouth.

"Your" She stuttered.

"Yep, But please don't say anything yet, I haven't told me weatherbee" I shushed her.

"Go home girl, your not due back in till Wednesday" Natalie said stroking my arm and giving me a reassuring smile.

"Class, please be good for miss. George whilst I'm gone, I want a paper done for when I get back, anyone who doesn't have it on my desk by Wednesday will be put in an after school detention" I said and the whole class groaned.

I gathered my stuff and left wondering what the hell I was going to do for the rest of my day as it was only 9.30am.

👑Jugheads Point Of View~

It was around 10am when I heard the doors little bell jingle and I expected to see the printer man but instead it was Betty carrying 4 massive shopping bags of groceries and struggling.

"Hey, let me get those" I ran over to her and picked the groceries out of her hand and put them on the table near the door.

She gave me a peck on the lips as I greeted her and then sat down on the couch rubbing her little stomach.

"Baby Jones is not doing me any favours today" she giggled.

"Why aren't you in work" I asked her.

"I threw up in front of my class, Natalie sent me home, and I'm bored so I went food shopping" she replied.

"I told you you should have a day off" I scoffed looking through the bags and taking out the little box of sushi.

"Sushi make you hurl?" I laughed.

"I've been craving it so badly" she replied.

"You crave it, and then throw it all back up, why don't you try the sushi that's just got vegetables in it, it tastes the same" I offered.

"Have you got much to do today?" She said ignoring me.

"I've finished the paper for the next three days, so not really" I laughed.

"Then I was thinking, let's do Baby Joneses nursery" I offered.

"We don't know the sex yet" I said confused.

"I don't want to find out until the babies born anyway, so let's do like a unisex colour" I squealed getting excited.

"Or we could go shopping for it all? And start it on the weekend" I offered again.

"Do you think your day would like start stripping the room down get it ready for us?" She asked me.

"I don't know ask him?" I laughed.

"I will" She said getting my phone out and calling the home phone.

"Hey mr Jones it's Betty" she said cheerfully.

"I was wondering if you could start stripping the nursery room down and getting it ready for me and Jug to decorate it" she said sweetly.

"Oh my god Thankyou so much" she squealed and out the phone down.

"Come on juggie, lets go shopping" she squealed picking up her bags and running out the door.

🦄Betty's Point Of View~

My day was going great.

Until I saw Veronica lodge step out side the whyte worm with none other, than Penny Peabody.

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