11-g i r l t a l k

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🦄Betty's Point Of View~

The boys were still down in the guest house. Toni and Cheryl were on there way back with the party supplies and Veronica Lodge was perched on the end of my bed crying her eyes out.

"Calm down V, just tell me what happened!" I whispered kneeling in front of her holding her hands. She took a few steadying breaths before reaching into her Prada purse and pulling out a pregnancy test box.

"With who" I gulped.

"Archie" she sobbed.

"It could be a false alarm, do you want me to come in with you whilst you do it" I said stroking her hair.

"Yes please, could you get me a drink of water to get some pee going" she half laughed half sobbed.

I turned and ran down to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water and slamming the fridge door closed and shooting back up and slamming my door and locked it.

I turned around to see Veronica in the same position only with her hand out for the bottle of water. She gulped it down without taking a breath and then sat there for about five minutes.

"I gotta Pee now" she breathed pulling herself up off the bed and into my bathroom.

I took her hand over to the bathroom door and perched myself on the side of the bath and watched her pee on the stick.

"Can you please hold it" Veronica wailed handing me the stick.

"3 minutes" I said putting a timer on my phone.

She paced from the door to the toilet for all of about 30 seconds.

"How long now" she asked running her fingers through her hair.

"2 and a half minutes" I gulped my mouth going dry and her eyes widened with impatience.

She continued pacing for another minute or so before picking my phone up with shaky hands and groaning that there was still 90 seconds left on the clock.

"Why's it taking so long Betty" she whispered before sliding her back down the door and slumping into the floor

"It won't be long now" I said tapping my foot on the floor.

It got to the the thirty second mark and I couldn't take it, I put the stick on the side of the bath and went to sit next to Veronica.

"Whatever happens V, just know everybody loves you and will support you" I said wiping a stray tear off of her cheek.

"I know I love you" she gave me a kiss on the cheek but froze when she heard my phone beep. I did too.

"Now or never" she sighed walking up to the bath and hovering her hand over it for what seemed like forever.

She turned back to look at me and I gave her a nod and a smile, but secretly held my breath. I know she's going to be devastated if she is. She is the fun loving party girl who's life shouldn't be out on hold. But babies happen, I hope she isn't purely for the fact she is just not ready.

I watched her pick the stick up and turn it around. She blinked a few times and opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out, just strangled sobs. Her crying face was so ugly I couldn't depict whether it was joy or sorrow and I couldn't bear to look myself.

"What is it Ronnie" I gulped my hands knitting together.

"It's- I'm - Oh my god" she sobbed her face going unbelievably red and tears pouring out of her face by the shed load.

"What Ronnie" I sighed feeling a slight twinge of fear for her.

"I'm not" she choked out a smile coming through he red cheeks and her eyebrows straightening out from being creased.

I let out my breath and gave her a a huge hug swaying from side to side both of us laughing and crying.

"Do you want to stay and drink with us" I whispered into her hair.

"I would love nothing more than a gin and tonic right now" she sighed putting me at arms length.

"I've missed you Betty, this is the nicest thing any one has done for me since high school" she wiped away her last tear and I gave her a grin and a nod and we went down stairs into the back garden.

"What took you guys so long" Archie said holding his beer, I noticed that Toni and Cheryl had now joined them and jughead was no where to be seen.

I looked at Veronica waiting for her to answer, but she looked at the floor and avoided looking at Archie so I grabbed her hand and answered for her.

"Girl talk arch, you know, sex, periods, bras" I smiled and gave Veronica a quick nod as she squeezed my hand to thank me for covering for her.

"Baby B there's pink gin and lemonade here with your name on it" Cheryl squealed.

I walked over to her taking the glass out of her it was cold because of the ice and slippery and I took a large gulp, as always it was more gin than lemonade, the Cheryl blossom way.

"Where juggie" I sighed after tasting her concoction.

"I think he went the bathroom" Toni said without even taking her mouth off her straw.

As if on que jughead came out of the back room and into the living area where we were all sat. I looked over to Archie and Veronica who were sat over in the corner.

Veronica was sat in the chair and Archie was sat cross legged in the floor in front of her by the fire. They looked like they were arguing, but then Veronica giggled and Archie flashed his teeth at him and I knew all was well.

Toni was wrapped in a blanket and was lying in Cheryl's lap as they took pictures. After each one Cheryl would shout:
"Ew I hate that one delete it" and then Toni would shout back.
"That one was bomb"
They shared the same vocabulary, the same interests, they were both impossibly fashionable and both impossibly stubborn. A match made in LGBTQ heaven.

"What's your poison?" Jughead asked me taking a sip of my drink.

"Gin" I laughed.

"Slow down with it okay, I don't want you to be sick" he said rubbing my cheek.

"Scared you'll have to clean up my vomit?" I replied cheekily.

"Scared of how moody you'll be tomorrow with the hangover from hell" he joked.

"Drink up jones, tonight's the night!" I smiled.

"Night for what?" He raised his eyebrows.

"You tell me your real name" I tilted my head.

"Only if you tell me your deepest darkest secret" he reasoned.

I stood for a moment and thought about my deepest darkest secret and what it was. Rather who it was. She's someone that lives inside of me that is always there in the back of my mind. Some one I've never really trusted anyone to know about.

And then I wondered if he would run for the hills if only he knew about her. She's a total bitch and when she comes out all bad things happen. And I want Jughead to stay for as long as possible, forever if possible.

Maybe I will tell him maybe I won't, but for right now I'm happy with him not knowing about her, the things I feel i have to do when she "comes out to play". I found a way to lock her away and keep her there. And that's how it will stay for as long as I can keep her locked away.

And I found my conclusion. Jugheads Jones will never meet her, hopefully.

I'm never going to let her come through and win.

I'm never going to let dark Betty come through ever around him.

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