36- m a t e r n i t y l e a v e

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👑Jugheads Point Of View-

I dropped Betty off for her last day before maternity leave. It was absolute chaos at our house at the moment, I had diapers coming out of my ears, baby jones wasn't even born yet mind you. It was also absolute madness that baby jones is going to be here next month. 4 little weeks, 28 little days. That was 672 hours till I am a dad! The nursery was done, still smelled off fresh paint, the walls painted magnolia with birds and bees all over it, a baby changing unit, a crib which had a mobile of softly singing sheep around it and nets draped around it.

The shelves were filled with stuffed animals, giraffes and elephants and bears and dogs. The closet was filled with white unisex baby clothes. And we still couldn't decide on a name for him or her. Betty is determined if it's a boy he's being called Forsythe. The poor kid, I'm not having any of that. She said we'll compromise but that's like the time when we compromised over movie night. She said she wanted to watch titanic, I said I wanted to watch the god father, so we compromised and watched the titanic.

I watched her waddle through the doors. All she ever does nowadays is moan about how "fat" she is. She cries because her boobs are too big. She cries because I won't let her eat pickles in a bowl with ice cream. She cried that she has 1 stretch mark. She's lucky, once she's had the baby, a few good gym sessions and she'll be back to normal, it's one stretch mark, she could of had worse. Basically she just cries at everything.

I wonder how she would react if I just started crying when she does, that will confuse her, get her angry and she'd hit me so hard the shock would send her into early labour. Let's just say she's very fragile at the moment.

Everybody keeps calling her to see if she's still pregnant, it drives her crazy, she cries because "baby jones is taking too long to cook" her exact words.

I drove too Cheryl's to pick her and Toni up and then to Veronica's to get Veronica. Sweet pea jumped in the car as I drove across the south side and fangs followed quickly behind on his bike. We were organising a party for Betty, there was presents piled high, all of her favourite foods. 4 different brands of pickles. Streamers, balloons.

"No drinking, or smoking Betty gets jealous " I told Toni and Cheryl.

"You two, no fucking fighting!" I warned sweet pea and fangs who nodded.

It was 4:30 by the time we had finished and it was Friday so Betty was in a meeting when she called.

"Hey baby" I answered the phone cheerfully, the party was a surprise, I was excited to see her little face light up when she sees all of those pickles.

"You coming to get me?" She sang, I could hear the smile on her voice.

"Fangs and pea are coming to get you" I laughed through the phone and then raised my eyebrows at fangs and sweet pea, they immediately left to go get her.

"What sweetpea and fangs are visiting?! I haven't seen them in so long!" She shouted gleefully.

"Yup, I'm just cooking dinner so I'll see you when you get home" I said banging a pot on the stove so it sounded true.

"Okay, bye baby" she said, I could hear how happy she was. That made me happy.

🦄Betty's Point Of View-

I had grown to love these two boys, if you look past the leather jackets and the tattoos underneath they're really nothing but two lovable teddy bears, trying to find where they belong in life and get by. Granted they may or may not be criminals, but they're not bad people, they're probably two of the kindest, caring people I've ever met in my entire life.

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