41-m i d n i g h t h o u r

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🦄Betty's Point Of View-

It was 4am. My phone was ringing and I jumped up to get it. It was Jughead.

"Hey, what's going on" I said unbelievably happy that he was okay.

"Open the door!" He laughed and I looked out the window to see him with two women.

"Omg, your okay!" I said as I picked Bea up and made my way down the stairs.

I opened the door wide and he hugged us both.

"Hey baby girl" he said picking Bea up out of my arms and I walked into the kitchen turning the light on.

"Betty this is my mom, and my little sister JB" he said as the two women sat down on the stools around the kitchen island.

"Jesus jug, she's gorgeous!" JB shouted giving me a hug.

I hugged her back and his mom, who was kind of intimidating walked up to me. Sort of inspected me. She took a hold of my hand and saw the giant rock on it.

"So you're the one who's changed Jugheads life, my ex husband is a huge fan" she said looking me up and down again, her face was still young and her hair was raven black just like Jugheads, just like Bea's. It cracked into a huge smile.

"Welcome to the family girlie! Let me see that gran baby" she said hugging me and I couldn't help but grin.

"Can I get you something to eat, there's snacks in that cupboard." I said pointing over to the cupboard where the snacks where, just above the stove.

JB was the first one on her tippy toes looking at all the food.

"So tell me, what mess have you got yourself into?" Gladys said staring down at Bea.

"Basically Penny wants Bea" Jughead said sitting down in front of his mom and I went to stand by his side, I put my arms around his shoulder and he leaned into me wrapping his arms around my waist.

I've missed him so much.

"But why, you would think even a stone cold bitch like her would give in once there's family involved" JB interjected.

"We saved sweet pea and fangs from her a while back, she said she wants them back, but they're both serpents now so they belong to the whyte when, either way she still wants Bea" I said starting to cry.

"Hey, we will figure this out okay" Jughead said hugging me tighter and pulled my fingers through his hair and nodded.

"I've knew Penny my whole life, we were best friends in high school, until she fell in love with my husband, had my son commit literal crimes for her, she's hurt this family one too many times, where's FP?" Gladys said.

"FP is back in Riverdale, with the boys" I said.

"Well we need a game plan, Jug, get a meeting arranged, Jelly bean stay here with Betty and the baby" Gladys said looking over to her daughter.

"But mom, I want to come, I want to see daddy" she protested.

"You will see him when all of this is over, everybody needs to get some sleep because tomorrow this ends, even if it fucking kills me!" Gladys said.

"We're in this deep mom, when Penny see's you she's going to hit the roof" Jughead said seriously taking Bea off of her and giving her a cuddle.

"Let her, I've been waiting to put her in the ground since we were 25 Jughead, she ruined my marriage, my sons life, split apart our family, put us all through hell, and now this, she will not touch so much as one hair on that little girls head" Gladys said.

"Now get some sleep, I'll call FP in the morning, you'll need all your strength because this will be one hell of a fight" Gladys said walking towards the couch.

"Mrs Jones, there's a spare bedroom upstairs if you and JB want to take it, it's the last room on the right" I said smiling at her as her and jelly bean set off.

So there we were, stood in the kitchen at 4am. Holding a two day old baby, worrying about whether someone was going to die tomorrow, whether my daughter was going to be kidnapped.

"Do you think we'll ever catch a break juggy" I sighed.

"I wish we could just go" he said, I heard just how broken his voice was, he's been up for almost 20 hours straight.

"Get in the caddy, head west anywhere, with a plan we don't have and start a new life, where there's no bullshit gangs , bullshit grudges and bullshit enemies" he said choking back.

I took his face in my hands and kissed his lips.

"What kind of father does it make me when I have missed the first days of her life because of stupid past, I'm a bad man Betty, I don't want her to think I'm a criminal." He added stroking Beas hair.

"We will tell her exactly why you missed her first days, because you were saving the day and being the hero we all needed. When this is over, we're going back to Riverdale, in our house with a white picket fence, and we're going to make memories and live happily ever after Okay?" I said to him stroking his face, his beautiful face that I've missed so much.

"Do you believe me Jughead?" I added putting my thumb on his chin and forefinger underneath it pulling him in for another kiss.

He nodded looking into my eyes and smiling a sad smile.

"I promise you I will end this" he said pressing his lips against Beas forehead.

I let out a chuckle.

"If we can survive this, we can survive her first boyfriend" I laughed.

"One disaster at a time Elizabeth" he said sternly but it soon changed into a chuckle.

"Let's go to bed, before literal hell breaks loose tomorrow" I whispered and stood up as he followed me up the stairs.

He put Bea in the travel cot beside the bed and flung off his clothes climbing into bed.

"It seems like forever since it was just us don't you think?" I said wrapping my arms around him and snuggling into his chest, inhaling his scent, already drifting off, the sense of security he brings me.

"It does" he said his head in my hair kissing it.

"I love you Jughead" I said a tear coming down my face.

"Just in case that's the last time I get to say that."

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