20-s h o p p i n g

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👑Jugheads Point Of View-

Like clock work I walked out work and Betty was outside waiting for me, she greeted me with a kiss and handed me some sort of milkshake.

"What's this" I asked her.

"Healthy juice, you better drink it because it was like $8" she laughed.

I took a sip and I looked over to her who was sipping hers and made a face. It actually wasn't too bad but I like to wind her up.

"So what's our budget?" I asked her.

"I'm not budgeting anything, if I want something I will buy it" she replied.

"Well I'm going to go with 200 because we don't need actual outfits do we?"

"Nope but treat yourself juggie, it's a holiday!" She squealed.

I laughed in her direction and turned the radio on.
"Drake nice for what" came on and she danced her little dance and got all giddy about her shopping trip.

I have only ever been shopping with Betty three times, once for groceries, never ever again. She had to compare the prices of everything before she bought it. Put every meal together, what day we were going to have What and it was stressful.

The second time it was for when her mom and dad came to visit she tried on over 34 dresses and then went back to the first one she tried on to buy.

The third time is now. Hopefully it's not stressful, but it's going to be a long night. How hard can it be to choose five bikinis.

Oh how I was wrong. It was hard to buy five bikinis.
We had to go to 15 different stores. Compare the price, find a floppy hat and a pair of sunglasses for each. Then she wanted sandals to go with each bikini and a beach dress. She bought three pairs of shorts and 10 tank tops and manage to spend around $700.

Me on the other hand picked out three pairs of black shorts, one pair of red shorts and a pair of navy blue shorts. Five plain black beach shirts, one pair of sunglasses and new pair of converse. $230 well spent.

The car was littered with shopping bags, the trunk and the back seat were full with Betty's bags so my bags were sat on my knee all the way home.

"Order us some food when we get home I can't be bothered to cook." She sighed getting into the car.

I looked her up and down.

"What about the health kick" I smirked.

"There's plenty of places you can order healthy food from" she stated matter of factly.

I nodded and we turned into our parking lot soon after, of course I was the one who had to juggle approximately nine hundred thousand bags up to the apartment. Betty was "too tired" to do it.

We ordered vegetable steamed dumplings which were actually bomb and another healthy juice. Surprisingly it was really filling and it was just as good as eating a full pizza like we usually do.

"Do you need anything juggie, Before I go and shower" I heard Betty call from my bedroom.

"No I'm good I'm just going to watch a movie in here" I shouted back.

"Okay love, won't be long" she called as she walked across the living room and into the bathroom.

Betty's phone began to ring on the kitchen counter and I walked over to see who it was. It was Veronica so I picked it up to answer.

"Betty are you home?" She greeted me.

"Ugh it's Jughead Betty's in the shower?" I replied.

"Well can you come and pick me up Jug, I'm in a bar and there's this guy and he won't take no for an answer" she whispered.

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