26-s t o r m r o n n i e

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🦄Betty's Point Of View~

My head spun. Penny Peabody was back. Eyeing me like I was meat and laughing her evil laugh, the one that made my blood run cold.

Cheryl and Toni had no idea what was going on but i could tell they felt the tension, the knew something wasn't quite right. They hung their heads low and tried not to make eye contact.

"Is nobody going to say anything what the fuck is going on!?" I screamed eventually after a long silence after Ronnies bombshell.

"Shut the fuck up" a gruff voice from behind Penny Peabody roared.

"Watch your mouth" Jughead spat at him and he quietened down.

This was the real Jughead, people were scared of him, the gang member Jughead. I didn't ever stop to realise what he may be capable off, these two men were absolutely terrified of him, it was kind of hot but now was not the time for that.

"Oh relax babe, we're just paying Ronnie a little visit, there's no blood to be spilled" penny sang.

"Yet" she added and the hair on the back of my neck stood up on end. I panicked, bile rising in my throat and the colour draining from my face.

"Pay your visit, and leave" I spat out at penny and squinted my eyes at her, I wasn't scared of her, I felt dark Betty creep out and dug my nails into my palms.

"Blondie Blondie Blondie, she's got a little fire cracker in her hasn't she" She cackled at the boys behind they didn't dare look my way.

I walked towards the boys.

"You sit down" I pointed at the tallest one and he did immediately.

"And you" I turned to the other boy and he did as well.

"Someone explain to me, what in the hell, is going on because I have been awake for almost 24 hours straight now and so help me god if this, whatever it is, doesn't gets sorted I'm going to blow the roof of this fucking apartment" I screamed and even Penny looked intimidated.

I turned to Ronnie,

"She" I pointed at penny who was smirking behind my pointed finger.

"... is bad news, why the fuck are you in trouble with her to the point where she's banging my door down at four in the morning?" I shouted over to Veronica.

"You" I pointed at Jughead.
"Take Cheryl and her girlfriend into my room and explain to them what is going on, they didn't come here to get caught up in this mess" I shouted again I'm sure the vein was popping out of my forehead.

"Betty" he tried to interject.

"Do not start with me Jughead, or I will tell everyone in this room your real name!" And with that he was ushering the two girls into the room.

"Wait that's not fair, you've only knew him five minutes and you know his name" penny interjected with a giggle, clearly amused.

I put my finger up to her face to shush her and she raised her eyebrows at me and I tilted my head, now was not the time for any of this to go south.

"B, I can explain" Veronica said sitting next to the boys at the kitchen counter.

"Daddy is in bed with the club so to speak, shit went down after penny and her cronies have seeped into Riverdale" she shot a glare at penny.

"No veronica, your daddy owes me a lot of money, I'm not leaving until you cough up" penny glared back.

"So why are you're goons here? To beat up a girl, your such a fucking bitch" I butted in.

"Boys, go and join Jughead in that room over there please, us girls are going to have a chat" I smiled sweetly at them as I grabbed both of them by the neck of there jackets and pushing them towards that door.

"It's not up to me if daddy doesn't pay his debt" Veronica rolled her eyes.

"You see, I don't invest in a mall for fun, I have no business to be in bed with you and your complex, daddy dearest is funnelling drugs in and out of Riverdale and getting me to do his dirty work, you pay up the 10 grand he owes me and we'll be done" penny growled.

"Is that it? Money? 10 grand? You know I could get you that, there was no need to send me threatening letters, stalk me and get one of your slutty biker chicks to try and kick the shit out of me, she got maced by the way" Veronica flipped her hair back.

"See what happens when we all talk like adults, problems get resolved, maybe you should try that at your club" I smirked at penny.

"Maybe you should shut the fuck up" penny laughed.

"Oh please, this is like a spin off of mean girls, penny you're check will be sent to you in the morning by my private driver, and just a heads up, hurt me or my friends again and my daddy will kill you!" Veronica sang standing up and motioning to the door.

"Sweet pea, fangs lets go" She bellowed and the two boys followed Jughead out of the room. Jughead joined me and out his arm around me as we watched them leave, slamming the door behind them.

"I'm so sorry Betty" Veronica's voice came from behind me. I just stalked back into Jugheads room after giving her a wry smile and a nod. Sure I was pissed. No I was more than pissed, I was furious but I was too tired and tomorrow is my last day off before work so I just wanted it all to be over with.

👑Jugheads Point Of View~

I was in Betty's room with the girls, explaining everything to them, I told them the basics, I was robbed of my childhood, had to join a gang, treat like a slave, blah blah blah, when sweet pea and fangs walked into the room.

"Jughead you've got to help us man" sweet pea said in an unusual tone.

"Penny's not looking out for the club anymore, she's looking out for herself you've got to get us out" fangs then pleaded.

"First of all, come to my home like that, where my girlfriend is and I'll kill you" I started.

"Which ones your girlfriend" fangs said looking over to Toni and Cheryl.

"Neither of them" I furrowed my eyebrows whilst fangs was still staring at Cheryl opened mouthed, catching flies.

"I'm gay" Cheryl smiled putting her arm around Toni and fangs pulled a face of disappointment.

"Is your girl, the one we've come for" sweet pea asked.

"No the blonde, who's been ordering penny around for the past half an hour" I confirmed, feeling a twinge of pride. My Betty ordering around one of the most dangerous women in New York.

"Shit jug, she's the complete opposite of you, I'll give it three months at the most" sweet pea laughed.

"Well gee, thanks, considering it's already been six I'm not going to dwell on that comment" I shot back.

He put his head down stepping out of the hole he just dug for himself. I sat and thought about how they're going to get themselves out of the club.

"Jughead, you were trained by penny and tall boy themselves, everyone's scared of you at the club,
Please man get us out" fangs pleaded.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the room.

"Penny" I shouted.

She turned her head to look at me, she was drinking tea with Betty and Veronica, how in the hell have they moved this?

"Fangs and pea are staying with me." I announced and penny and Betty both just stared at me icily.

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