21-t h e a i r p o r t

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🦄Betty's Point Of View ~

The next two weeks dragged, alls I wanted to do was jet off on my vacation but work seemed slower than ever and two weeks never felt this long.

It was the night before we leave for Bora Bora and we were on a late night gym session because neither of us had anything better to do. We have grown to love coming to the gym late at night, it's quiet at this time of night and it helps us focus more.

"We have to be at the airport at 3.30 and it's midnight now, don't you want to go and get an hours rest or something?" Jughead asked me as he held the punching bag.

"We may as well stay up and sleep on the plane" I panted throwing another punch on to the bag.

"Alright, but if you get crabby don't be biting my head off I did tell you"  he replied.

"I promise I won't" I smiled and then kicked the bag full force knocking him back a little bit. We did our usual work out and by the time we were finished we had just enough time to go and pick up our bags and then race to the airport.

We were in a taxi on the way to the airport my legs draped over Jugheads, my head leaning on his shoulder.

"I feel like I've forgot something" I whispered.

"Yeah Veronica, she's still in your room" he laughed back.

"I don't really know what's going on with that? She's the richest woman in Riverdale and probably New York, something doesn't add up" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Maybe she broke up with Archie?" Jughead tried.

"Nope, she wouldn't break up with him since.." and then I cut myself off.

"Since what babe?" Jughead questioned.

"If I tell you your not aloud to tell Veronica that I told you! Got it?" I said looking up at him and making him lock his pinky finger with mine as a promise.

"I promise" he chuckled.

"Remember when we went to Riverdale, and every one was drinking in the guest house?"


"Veronica came to me in hysterics, like her nana had died or something and it was because Archie nearly got her knocked up and I had to take a pregnancy test with her!" I raised my eye brows again, god I felt like I was in high school again gossiping.

"What do you mean you had to take one with her!" Jughead panicked.

"I mean I had to sit in the bathroom with her whilst she peed on the thing and I had to wait for it to like develop with her." I said quickly.

"The haunting thing is you watched her pee on a stick Betty" he replied, obviously now more calm from the miscommunication from before.

"Shut up asshole or I'll be in a mood with you for the whole 19 hours were on this plane" I smacked him.

"I'm sorry" he smiled down at me went to kiss me but I moved my face away.

"I'm sweaty Jughead, that's gross" I giggled.

"I don't care baby B" he sang and quickly dipped his head to kiss me, it was like his lips had magnets in them because mine automatically responded to his.

That's when the taxi jolted to a halt and a rather jolly Indian voice said.

"$12.80" So Jughead paid the man and got our bags out of the trunk and we went off into the airport.

I made Jughead check he'd remembered his passport and boarding ticket and then I checked I had mine, which of course I did. I checked we had our spending money and we did. If we have left anything else we'll just buy it when we get there.

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