Chapter 17

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Vidushi Parth Kashyap lighten up her cigarette n let some smoke ring on the air. She had never expected sneaking around her boring husband would be so fruitful. Last night when Parth slept off early as per his routine she checked his mails n msgs, Parth hardly kept any msg or mails from Randhir..she knew Parth n Randhir had been in touch n when she saw the one msg that Randhir was coming back to NY she knew what she had to do to take revenge on that stripper girl for whom Randhir n her own husband humiliated her. She dialled a number.

"Hello..may I talk to Mr. Mittal?" She said.

"Yea..m Sameer speaking."

"Hello Mr. Mittal..m Vidushi..remember I called you few months back to ask you about Sanyukta Aggarwal."

"Yes..Mrs. Vidushi..tell me did you get any information about her?"

"Yes..I have confirmed news..but I will give that only if you agree on my deal." She proposed.

"Yes yes..I remember the want my club at NY right?"


"Okay..the deal is on..tell me where is she." He asked.

"She will reach NY by day after tomorrow..n yeah her boyfriend Randhir Singh Shekhawat will accompany her."

"Okay..thanks for your help mrs will get your papers soon." Sameer said n cut the call.

Randhir sat on the flight n the teary eyes of Sanyukta flashed in front of his eyes. She couldn't stop her tears when he walked towards his plane.. even Pari was sad as if she sensed something was wrong there. He called his detective to NY that he directly reach the police station n give them the proofs against Sameer.. Randhir couldn't have take the risk of taking Sanyukta along with him when Sameer is free. He needed to make sure Sameer's jail before he can ask Sanyukta to came back.

After hours of journey Randhir's plane landed on NY airport n there he met his detective Nathan. But little they knew was their car was followed by an another car. As Nathan's car started running on the smooth road..he sensed something was wrong.

"Sir, I guess someone is following us." Nathan said.

"Oh must be Sameer..look Nathan these evidence are very important..more important than my do anything but make sure we reach police station as soon as possible." Randhir said.

When they reached the police station..Nathan insist to accompany Randhir inside but Randhir denied as he knew he can't risk Nathan's life along with him. Randhir hurriedly ran inside the police headquarter n handed over all the evidence against Sameer to police n police assured him about Sameer's punishment. Randhir walked out of the premise..n saw Nathan's car was missing from the parking n suddenly he felt a hit behind on back of his head..n in few sec he collapsed on the ground. Nathan droved back to the parking thinking that he confused the goons that were following his car but he saw Randhir lying in a pool of blood he realised he was wrong..he had been trapped by some of them while few were still there to attack Randhir. He immediately took him to hospital n called the first number on his emergency list.

Parth ran into the hospital as soon as he got the call from Nathan. He got to know about the encounter from Nathan n wait for doctor to come.

"Who is the guardian here?" A doctor came out and ask.

"M Parth Kashyap, his friend." Parth said.

"Hello Mr. Kashyap..m Dr Vardhan Suryavanshi.. can you please inform his immediate family member?" The doctor said.

"Doctor his wife is in India right there anything serious?" Parth asked frantically.

"I would suggest you to call his wife as soon as possible..his condition is not favourable, there is severe injury in his would be better if his family came here soon." Dr. said n went inside. And Parth dialled Sanyukta's number with a shaking hands..

PRICELESS -by Madhusmita Das (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now