Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

After their heart to heart Caroline fell back to sleep, Klaus was lying in bed staring at the roof. Trying to end his restlessness he quietly got up from bed and exited the room. He ended up in the kitchen drinking scotch getting lost in his thoughts. A few hours later Elijah had entered the kitchen. "Hello brother, drowning your sorrows?"

"Not sorrows, trying to clear my head of worry." Elijah prepares himself a glass of red wine and sat across from Klaus. "What is tormenting with your head dear brother?"

"I'm going to be a father Lijah; there are two people now who are going to depend on me to always be there and not go to the dark side."

"Niklaus you will not need to do this alone, Caroline will always have your back and you have your family as well. Always and forever my brother."

"What do the Mikaelson's know about being adequate parents? Our father hunted us down for centuries. Our mother tried to end us...twice" Klaus reminded his older brother.

"It is true that we have not had it easy as a family, however my dear brother we always make it through those hardships and come out the other side stronger and closer. Yes it will there will be mishaps but we are fighter and we will get through whatever may come our way." With those words being said Elijah stood from his seat tapped his brother on the shoulder and left Klaus to be alone with his thoughts one more. Klaus finished his drink and started his climb up the stairs to join Caroline in bed.

Hi All,

Sorry, its been awhile since I've posted anything and that the chapter is so short. A few weeks ago I had my first child and was on bed rest for a bit so I haven't had much time to post or write. I will be trying to post more often from here on out but can't make any promises.


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