"Y'all ain't even married, yet." Mars looks at me.

"Mason Dean Mars, you are on thin ice." I glare at him.

"There'll be food." Tasha assures us.

"Spain is so pretty." Izzie says, in awe.

"You should see it during the day." Tasha informs. "The best honeymoon a girl could have had."

"How long are we staying?" Iz asks.

"Oh my god. Stop the car." I blurt, as the driver floors his breaks.

I get out and slightly jog a little, catching up to them. I basically hauled them down.

"What's the best thing?" I ask, getting my wallet out.

"Chili cup." The woman nods, pointing to it.

"Oh my god. Yes. I'll have the rest of them." I say, seeing only three made.

I pay and walk back to the car. Making sure all the cups full of chili powder covered fruit were safe, in my lap.

"Did you really stop the car, for a fruit cart?" Mars scolds me.

"Mason, if you don't leave baby mama alone, we'll drop your ass, right here." Izzie said, dead serious.

"This is why I got one for my girls." I say, handing Tash and Iz one.

"Maybe you should save them, just in case there's no food." The driver blurted.

"Oooo.. he smart." Tasha nodded.

"You right." Iz nodded.

We waited to eat it, until we arrived. We arrived early. I stood off to the side eating my fruit, as we caught the last bit of the show. I bobbed my head to the music, as I was mesmerized by the food.

"Ight, ight." I heard Kells announce over the mic. "The last song, tonight."

"Awww.." I whined, not looking up from my fruit.

I could barely see what I was eating. So, I turned the flashlight on my phone on, and tucked my phone between my boobs. No hands, and I could see my food.

"I have a very special guest joining us, tonight." Kells informs.

"Post Malone!" I holler. "Posty! Posty! Posty!" I chant, still looking at my food.

"Now, there are two things imma be announcing real soon, but right now imma let y'all know that our special guest is my beautiful fiancé." He chuckles, causing me to look up with wide eyes, as a spotlight shined over me.

"Damn. I wanted Post Malone." I huff, then noticed everyone looking at me. "Uh-heh. Hi." I wave nervously, slowly chewing my food.

"So, this next song is for all my ladies in the house, tonight." Kells smiles, fixing his earpiece.

He went on to sing Bad Things. I ate my fruit at a pace, so that I would have some at the after party. The last song was so amazing. I loved watching him up on stage.

"Your name's Marilyn, right?" One of the girls from the barricade asks.

"Yeah." I nod, barely able to hear her.

"You're really pretty." She smiles.

"Awe. Thank you, love. You're really pretty too." I smiled, as she held her hand out to me.

I grabbed her hand, as she sang the rest of the song along with the guys. I absolutely loved the experience. It was one of the best, so far.

The show eventually ended, and I made my way back stage so that we could go to the after party. I was guided by security to wait in a car. I looked at Izzie, who couldn't stop smiling.

Smoke & Roses For M (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now