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"That's right boy i am your father's brother!"laughed Jonathon."Dad is that true?"said Jack shocked."Yes son he is right long ago we had a feud which led us apart and the feud will always last!"shouted Alex.

"But dad...he is your brother right?"said Jack."He was!But now he isn't after all he did!He betrayed everyone!"shouted Alex angrily."Why don't you guys end the feud?"asked Jack."What!How dare you son!You are my blood and you can never do a thing like this!What he did cannot be forgiven!"said Alex."Dad don't we all make mistakes?"said Jack as he threw his sword to the ground.

"Son stop this!"shouted Alex."Dad...although uncle is evil i know but maybe it is because he never got the love of his elder brother..."said Jack,"I am sorry dad but i can't kill your younger brother because i don't want you to suffer what i have after losing....Peter...".

Kelly was listening quietly and smiled,"My hero!".Jack gave his sword to his uncle and knelt down,"I jack the son of King Alex and the true heir of my father's throne finish all the feud in between he two kingdoms and want to spread love...".

Everyone got shocked,"Jack!"said Alex.Jonathon looked at Kelly and raised his sword to Jack's shoulder,"I .....accept your proposal of friendship!".

"WAIT!"shouted Alex as he ran towards Jonathon fiercely,"This doesn't end the FEUD!".

LOST IN THE JUNGLE:A lover's quarrelWhere stories live. Discover now