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Jack took her to the beautiful valleys and the huge trees.They sat on a boat and toured through long tunnels and caves.Jack sat with the animals and the birds with Kelly.Jack showed Kelly the beautiful birds who were the best friend's of Jack.He ran to the top of the cliff and picked up a rose and gave it to Kelly.Kelly smiled and took it and smelled the beautiful scent and spread her arms and let herself feel the wind.

Jack showed Kelly the animal's babies and how they live together and take care of each other."Everyone loves you here.."smiled Kelly."This is my first priority are their lives.."he said.

Kelly jumped on the rocks and went very high and sat on a cliff."I will take your photo!"she said as she told Jack to sit on rocks which were close to the flowing waterfall and stream.Kelly stepped forward to take a better view and focus as she took a step she didn't notice it was the end of the cliff so she slipped and fall down.

Jack saw her and swam and jumped to catch her and even though he knew that he could risk his own life by saving Kelly.But he cared about everyone and Kelly..a lot because he loved her.Jack caught Kelly and brought her to the shore.He angrily looked at her,"Were you mad!Your are not going to climb any cliff's now!Go to the cottage it 's too dark!"said Jack as he put his jacket around Kelly and wiped the water droplets off her face.

Kelly was very confused and she looked at Jack who was very possessive about her."Oh Kelly!Your would've caught cold!"he said."I am okay.."said Kelly."Your feet must have been hurt when you slipped!"said Jack as he did not heard Kelly."Jack i am okay!"she shouted,"I am fine..thank you..".She gave Jack his jacket,"Good night.."."Good can stay in the cottage.."said Jack."Thanks.."she said leaving.

Jack swept his sweat and left for his home.As he closed his eyes he saw someone very much familiar who was calling his name...

LOST IN THE JUNGLE:A lover's quarrelWhere stories live. Discover now