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Jack ran very fast to check what was wrong,Kelly who stood here saw Jack and followed him.Jack saw Cuba who was stuck and hurt by a spiky branch in his paw.Jack petted Cuba who was in pain shedding tears."Are you..okay?"asked Jack,"hold on buddy..i am here now..nothing can happen to you!"Kelly hid in the bush and peeked Jack who gently took out the spiky branch and cleaned the wound."How can anyone be so much caring?"thought Kelly,"I mean he is cute too..but his heart it is soo pure..caring..".

Kelly saw how caringly he handled things and how he loved everyone."He is such a great big brother for Peter and Peter deserves him!"she thought.

The next day,angelica had came to the jungle with Josh,"It is soo amazing!I am grateful dad only sent 2 guards or else he would've sent an army with him"said Angelica."Do you really need anyone instead of me?"asked Josh."Nope that's why I have you.."said Angelica as she squeezed Josh's cheeks."I swear father would hyper if he knew about this!"said Josh."That's why i let dad handle it.."said Angelica.

Angelica went to explore the jungle,"Wow!The birds,the streams!"exclaimed Angelica."Are beautiful but not more than you"said Josh stretching in the fresh air."Really..liar"said Angelica as she pushed Josh and ran."I will get you for this!"said Josh smiling.Angelica laughed and as she ran she bumped into Kelly who was taking a walk.

Angelica and Kelly were un familiar to each other as they have never saw each other."Oops sorry!I am Angelica!"said angelica as she shook hands."Pleasure to meet you!I am Kelly"said Kelly smiling.Josh came and stood by Angelica,"Josh."he said shaking hands with Kelly."Kelly"said Kelly,"You both seem new to the jungle?"."Yeahh and could you show us around?"said Angelica excitedly."Sure,i am new myself but someone showed me around too,now i know almost all the ways.."said Kelly.

"Can we trust her?"asked Josh as he whispered in Angelica's ear.Angelica held Josh's hand,"This is what we adventure..only us.?"said Angelica."Yeah your right i guess.."said Josh."Lets go!"said Angelica excitedly to Kelly.

LOST IN THE JUNGLE:A lover's quarrelWhere stories live. Discover now