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" is nothing..son.."said Dave." Jack okay?"asked Peter worriedly."Yeah..the doctor says he is suffering from a lot of stress which he had took on his brain causing his brain to damage.."said Dave sadly walking away."It is all because of me..i have to end this engagement.."said Peter very sadly as he was shocked and tears fall from his eyes that the person who cared of him more than anyone had fallen very sick and just because of Peter.

While in the hospital room Kelly stood there crying sadly"Jack!You are such a great person and you helped me a lot i n life!Please don't die..i can't do this all alone..".As Kelly stood up and was walking away Jack caught Kelly's hand tightly,"Kelly...i can't live"he said.Kelly turned to Jack and cried as she said,"Get well don't deserve a brutal girl like me.."she said walking away crying.

Jack looked at the ceiling sadly,"Why..".Peter was listening to everything standing by the door and he saw Kelly running away.Peter entered with a smile and hugged Jack,"How are you  feeling brother..?"he said."Peter!I am okay...uh..come sit down"said Jack smiling."Brother..i know you love Kelly...i have decided to..end this engagement.."said Peter."No!What are you saying Peter.."said Jack."Brother I.."said Peter."This is your happiness if i love her that doesn't mean that i can't let her go...your my small brother and everything i have is yours too"said Jack happily.Peter smiled,"Oh well.."said Peter as he changed the conversation but his mind was set to brake the engagement.

Peter went to Kelly when she was standing in the jungle,"Kelly..i have to say something to you.."said Peter,"I have to brake our...".Suddenly a huge blast was heard of bullets!"Oh no!Someone must be in trouble!"said Peter as he ran with Kelly towards the loud blast.

Jack who was sitting on his bed heard the noise and he got up without caring about his health and rushed to his secret clothes and ran towards the blast.As they reached there they saw a person who said,"They took her..!"and he was recognized to be...

Who was shot?Who was behind the shooting?And who got kidnapped?Find out next!

LOST IN THE JUNGLE:A lover's quarrelWhere stories live. Discover now