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"Peter.."said Kelly as her heart pounded rapidly and skipped a beat and her eyes became full of tears of happiness."I love you from the day we met..can you be my eye's piece of heart..Kelly..can you marry me?"said Peter as he blushed and his heart pounded very fast too."YES!YESS!"said Kelly jumping on Peter excitedly and  hugged him.

Jack was getting ready for his purposal which he planned in the morning but little did he know that his brother had already proposed."Oh Kelly!You have no idea how much I love you!"he said to himself happily,"I will die without you..and i will destroy anything that comes between us..i just hope you say yess..".

Jack closed his eyes and went to sleep and he had the same dream but this time he saw the man wearing the same necklace as his!"Here it is..your blood..our blood!"he shouted,"Don't believe anyone are my son!".

Jack got up and panted really fast and he drank a lot of water,"It is just..a dream..".Jack looked outside and saw the sun had risen.He ran and got ready for his proposal ,Josh helped him with some lines.Angelica bought Kelly to Jack as she closed her eyes,"It is a surprise!"said Angelica excitedly."I can't wait for it!"said Kelly.

As Kelly saw Jack she paused,"Hey Jack.."she said confused.Jack took out his speech but the paper slipped out of his hand and flew with the wind and disappeared far away.Jack gulped but then he started to sing as Josh gave him Jack's guitar,"Kelly..your have the eyes of the girl i met..your the beautiful than have my heart...i,i,i know..but you don' why don't you let me tell you...".Jack fall on knees and Angelica threw a lot of flowers.Kelly who was impressed by Jack's singing didn't expect Jack to do something..but Jack took out his diamond ring and said blushing,"Kelly...uh..your beautiful...I ...uh you..marry me?".Kelly got shocked and she said...

LOST IN THE JUNGLE:A lover's quarrelWhere stories live. Discover now