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They had a wonderful tour and Kelly got to know Angelica even better.Angelica hoped and jumped and excitedly explored everything even the bugs and every leave.

As it was getting late,Kelly saw how close Josh and Angelica better and thought how it would be if she was with Peter and they would be together forever,she got caught up in this thought and decided something.

Angelica and Josh went home,Josh got pretty tired and went to sleep.Angelica looked outside and suddenly she heard loud and relaxing music in a melidious voice,"who could that be!"she thought.

Jack sang while playing his guitar,"When i saw you first you made my heart beat fast...You made me see the other side of me..You made me fall in love..You made me see who i really am...You made me know my true name..My true identity..I promise i will never let you go!..I know i can treat you better...I know i can deserve you too!..Your eyes make my heart go slow slow and beat fast fast..why don't yoou see mee..I have fallen in love with you..ooh..yeah i have..!".

Angelica snuk up to Jack and he saw how focused he was,"Love is hard"said Angelica.Jack saw Angelica and paused,"Who are you?Are you a princess?"he said surprised and he jumped to his feet and bowed.Angelica paused,"Oh no!What should i do now!"she thought."What are you doing here m'princess!"he said while bowing.Angelica paused and got scared what to say then she replied..

LOST IN THE JUNGLE:A lover's quarrelWhere stories live. Discover now