CHAP 2:The lost story of Jonas

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"Yes but now I do not was all the past and its better if we do not talk about it.." said Justin."What do you mean!If you are his son you should be proud that he was a great man and his unconditional efforts saved everyone's lives!"said Alex.

Justin looked at the air and felt the wind as it breezed through his chest giving him shivers of all the miseries and emotions he had faced because of Jonas. His heart raced as fast as a rocket as he tried to control his emotions and not to conceal it to anyone.But he could not control anymore so he spoke,"Dad left me and my mom after my uncle attacked our home and burned it down..we had no place to go and dad knew it..but he left us and never returned!".

Alex rose on his feet and reached his pocket and he drew out a letter covered with droplets of blood full of hope emotions and pain. He gave it to Justin and Justin looked at the simple letter as he read it his body felt very heavy and strange, his eyes became watery and his heart cried tears of blood and grief.

"Dear Justin,

I know you must be sad that i left you and i know i am a really bad father but the only reason i left you was the fact that your uncle was after me and i knew i had to leave you and your mom alone to save your lives...Son! I love you and your mother very much please forgive me for i am the one who got you and your mother into a hard and sad life..I have to go now but son stay brave i will be beside you always and you will see me when you will close your eyes..please don't wait for faithful and loyal! "read the letter.

On his name was blood, Justin hugged Alex,"Thanks for telling me..without this i would have never knew the truth!"he said sadly."I always carried it for i knew i would find you one day and it was jonas's last wish as well.."said Alex.

Suddenly,they heard a horse galloping and a man on it with a baby in his hands,"That is Jack!My son!Catch him!"shouted Alex.

LOST IN THE JUNGLE:A lover's quarrelKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat