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Jack went to the kitchen and made fresh breakfast with juice.As he went outside he saw Peter and Kelly talking to each other and laughing.Jack felt a bit of jealousy rise from his heart as he heard Kelly saying,"Your so funny and awesome!I love people with a great sense of humor!".

"Ahem.."said Jack as he approached them,"Am i missing something?"."Brother!I met her from the forest she was walking and i approached her.."smiled Peter and he went in Jack's ear and whispered,"she is totally my type!".Jack looked at Peter angrily,"You should focus on your studies.."."Hey brother i was joking!"laughed Peter,"didn't mean to get you angry.."."You can go and work on your project now.."said Jack.

"It's okay Jack please let him stay he is so funny!"exclaimed Kelly with joy." but you will go after.."said Jack as he felt a breeze through his heart when he saw Kelly full of joy."Thanks brother!"said Peter,"I am happy you didn't go serious mode!"he winked.Jack smiled and went to the kitchen.

"Is he always that serious?"asked Kelly,"he was serious last night as well..".Peter laughed,"great you guys have met but you should know that brother is moody but he is the best person i know..he is just caring and he is quite possessive about things what are good for me or any person.."."I can see that.."said Kelly,"Hey leave that can you show me something about you?".

Peter took Kelly's hand,"Let me take you to the finest place of my heart m'lady"winked Peter as they ran to the middle of the forest.Peter made Kelly stand straight and he took out a paint brush some bright colours and he started painting Kelly.

Kelly looked at Peter's face and how focused he was while painting,she stared at Peter's eyes and fall in love with his amazing work.Peter was very much caught up in the beauty of Kelly and painted her with all of his creativity.Suddenly they both had fallen in love with each other..

LOST IN THE JUNGLE:A lover's quarrelWhere stories live. Discover now