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"Well I shall see you soon?"asked Jack,"where will you go now?"."Come on Kelly tell him the truth that you are lost cold and alone in this jungle!"thought Kelly,"no..he can't help me..but he is such a nice guy..but what if he gets angry..he seems quite serious.."."Me..I will uncle lives here..i came for a visit..'exclaimed Kelly as she tried very hard not to spill the truth."Oh.."said Jack leaving.Jack left for his home.

"Wow Jack!"said Jack as he looked at his face in the mirror,"isn't it pretty hard to stay serious when you are a mystery man and in front of a girl who you really like".

Kelly jumped up and down looking and searching for food but her starvation had her whole body almost finish and she remained in the fear and despair of the cold night as she shivered with the cold breeze giving her body shivers all the way until she fall down and broke her ankle.

Jack who was sitting outside and singing saw Kelly coming towards him with her hurt led.He got shocked for he thought that Kelly had found his identity but seeing her hurt he went to help her."Thanks..who are you?"asked Kelly."I am um..Jack..yep"he replied with a relief .

Jack gave her food by looking at her health and starvation"You shouldn't be alone in this cold!"said Jack."Being lost and cold is an adventure"said Kelly.Suddenly Jack ran and disappeared in the forest.An hour past but he never came and Kelly went to check on her but what she saw was unpredictable it was a...

LOST IN THE JUNGLE:A lover's quarrelWhere stories live. Discover now