Queen Of My Heart Part 6.

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Its been a month so far and Y/n and I have been great. We worked on a lot of our problems and I was really happy about it, I couldn't really picture losing the girl again and I wasn't planning on losing her anytime soon. This month has been so busy for all of us which meant that Y/n and I hardly saw each other.

She flew out to New York for two days to spend some time with me, but two days wasn't enough. The others were really happy that we were giving our relationship another chance, but I didn't really get to talk to them and tell them everything since I didn't even get a chance to call Y/n.

We all flew back to Los Angeles yesterday and decided to meet up at Y/n's place the next day since we were all flying out to Mexico for my photoshoot and some relaxation. We all arrived at Y/n's place making me open the door with the spare key I had and run to the kitchen. I saw her busy on her phone making me run towards her.

Bella:"Baby!"I said making her put her phone down and catch me as I jumped on her. I pulled her in for a kiss making her laugh a little and kiss back.

Y/n:"Hmmm I missed you"She mumbled between kisses as she moved her hands to my ass holding me.

Bella:"I missed you too"I said pulling her in for another kiss.

In this month a lot of things happened, we worked on our relationship, spent a lot of time apart, but we still made sure that we made time for each other....even if the timezones were fucked up. But we haven't said I love you yet and if we didn't say I love you yet that also means that we didn't have sex yet.

I know that a relationship isn't only about sex, but bare with me. Y/n is a constant tease and always leaves me hot and bothered. It was annoying, but at the same time I couldn't be mad at her so I couldn't win either way.

Gigi:"Watch the hands Y/n"She said walking in the kitchen making me groan while Y/n pulled away laughing.

Y/n:"Yes mam"She said putting me down and pecking my lips"You heard your sister"She said making me pout and hug her.

Zayn:"We would also like to hug Y/n, Bella"He said making me pull away and pout. She gave everyone a hug making me walk towards her and hug her again.

Hailey:"Aw, this is to much to handle"She said making Y/n chuckle while I hugged the girl tighter"You two are so cute"She said making us both blush.

Abel:"OTP for real"He said making everyone laugh. We all took a seat on the couches and started talking.

Y/n:"I still find it a little weird that Abel is so chill with everything"She said making us all agree while he laughed.

Abel:"I know, I amaze myself too"He said making Y/n throw a pillow at him and laugh"Nah, I just want y'all to be happy"He said making both myself and Y/n smile.

Bella:"Well, we appreciate it"I said making him smile at me and nod.

Taco:"So, you two are dating for sure?"He said looking between Y/n and myself.

Y/n:"We are, I mean....I think I kinda implied that when I told her that I want us again"She said making me nod and kiss her cheek.

Bella:"You did"I said making her nod while I looked at the others"She didn't really need to ask me to be her girlfriend....again"I said making her laugh along with the others.

Travis:"So, you two are together then"He said making us both nod.

Y/n:"One month and ten days"She said making everyone awe including me.

Bella:"Oh, my baby"I mumbled kissing her cheek. She blushed and look down embarrassed.

Anwar:"Aww, how cute is this"He said in a teasing manner. Y/n flipped him off and sat back with me in her arms.

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