Queen Of My Heart Part 3.

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I locked my house up and went to my car opening the door for her. She mumbled a small 'thank you' and got in the car. I closed the door gently and made my way to the drivers side, getting in. The drive to the restaurant was silent, but comfortable. I looked over at her for a moment and saw her face red as a tomato making me chuckle a little.

Y/n:"You okay?"I asked as we arrived at the restaurant making her look at me and nod trying to recover.

Bella:"I'm fine, the girls are just annoying"She said blushing at the end once again. I looked at her weirdly before parking the car. 

We got out the car and started walking to the restaurant getting a few stares from people. I saw a few fans come up to us making us take a few picture with them and sign some things.

"I cant believe my eyes! Its so good to see the two of you together again!"A blonde girl said. I smiled at her and took a picture with her friends and her.

"My ship! I cant deal"I heard another girl say making both Bella and I laugh"Y'all are so cute"She said making me chuckle while Bella blushed.

Y/n:"Thank you and enjoy your day"I said once we were done making them wish us the same. Some yelled out 'I love you' making Bella say it back and walk inside the building with me.

Bella:"They're so cute"She said making me agree and laugh a little.

Y/n:"They are"I said as we went to the front. I sent the teenage boy a small smile ad spoke up"Morning, I made a reservation for Y/l/n"I said making him look at the page in front of him and nod.

"Ah yes, you wanted a private area"He said making me nod"Right this way"He said leading us outside. I looked around and saw that the place was empty and it had a perfect view of the ocean.

Y/n:"Thank you"I said making the boy nod while I pulled out a chair for Bella.

"Not a problem Ms Y/l/n, a waiter will be with you any moment to take your order, enjoy"He said placing the menus down and walking away. 

Bella:"Thank you"She mumbled once I pushed her chair in a little. I sent her a small smile and took my seat letting out a small sigh and scanning the menu"I need a coffee"She said making me chuckle"What are you getting?"She asked making me place the menu down and look at her.

Y/n:"Whatever you're having"I said making her look at me and then look down at the menu smiling. The waiter arrived at the table making us both look at her.

"Morning, I'm Tracy and I'm going to be taking your order"She said looking at me and smiling. I sent her a small smile while Bella cleared her throat making the girl look at her.

Bella:"Can you take our order now"She said rather bluntly making me shake my head looking at the menu knowing not to get involved.

"What would you like to order?"She asked.

Bella:"I'll have a Café Latte"She said making the girl write it down nodding.

"And you cutie?"She asked making me stay quite.

Bella:"She'll have what I'm having"She said making me nod and clear my throat. She nodded and walked away making the brunette face me and sigh"I swear, some people are so unprofessional"She mumbled making me laugh lightly.

Y/n:"Hmmm sure"I said making her look at me with a scowl before a small smile crept onto her face"So, tell me what you've been up to lately?"I asked wanting to know what the blueish green eyed had been up to.

Bella:"Hmm well, I've done a few covers, I did some interviews and stuff for Nike and right now, I'm just getting ready for a shoot that I'm doing in Mexico"She said smiling at the end.

Reckless Love {Bella Hadid/You} - Completed ✔Where stories live. Discover now