After All These Years Part 5.

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Gigi:"Bella!"She said scolding the brunette making her shrug.

Bella:"What? I'm only stating the truth and I think it was pretty shitty of me to not to tell y'all, so for that I'm sorry"She said making me sit in my seat shocked.

Did she really just openly tell our friends that we were sleeping together?

Fai:"Wait, wait, wait"He said sitting forward and looking between my shocked self and a completely unfazed Bella"Y'all are sleeping together?"He asked making me open my mouth but get cut off by her again.

Bella:"Used to"She said correcting him"We were also lowkey dating, but I messed it up, she messed it up....we messed it up"She said looking over at me.

I was beyond pissed at this point. She told me she didn't want to tell our friends and make it complicated or have them ask twenty questions. And look where we are now

They're asking fucking twenty questions and she keeps on cutting me off from answering everyone single one of them.

Justine:"Y'all dated? No way"She said looking over at Bella. The guys and girls could tell I was pissed making me slam my hands on the table making everyone jump including her.

Y/n:"Yes! Yes we did. And we would've been dating now actually, but Bella decided to cheat on me"I said looking over at her"And I know we weren't official Bella, but it still fucking hurt and you know what, maybe I did run away"I said waking up from the table"I ran away because I was scared and had no one. You're the one who used to help get through all the heartbreak! But if you're the one who caused the do you expect me to stay? How do you expect me to look at you and not feel worthless?"I said looking at her.

Zayn:"Y/n"He said making me shake my head and lift my hand up waving them off.

Y/n:"I'm going home...I'm sorry, but I just want to go home"I said making them all nod while Bella starred at time lost for words.

Hailey:"Lets go"She said waking up and taking my hand in hers. I followed her to the car until I heard Bella call my name making me stop and close my eyes.

Y/n:"Here's the keys, I'll be there in a few minutes"I said making her look at me and nod walking away.

I turned around and saw her walk up to me with her jacker hugging her figure since it was a little chilly. I wanted to explode at her some more, but I've given up.

Y/n:"What do you want?"I asked coldly making her frown.

Bella:"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tell them about us-"

Y/n:"Aren't you tired of apologising?"I said cutting her off"Look, I know I left and I know what I said, but you cant blame me for it. I didn't cheat Bella"I said making her chew her bottom lip"I didn't cheat and hurt you. It was the other way know what, forget me! You've been ignoring your real friends for so long? For what?"I asked making her sigh.

Bella:"I'm not ignoring them"She said making me let out a bitter laugh.

Y/n:"You're ignoring everyone's calls and texts, but you're busy hanging out with people I haven't met or seen"I said shaking my head"Do what you want Bella, but just know who's the real people in your life because once you lose're not getting them back"I said.

Bella:"You think I don't know that! God Y/n, you act like you're so perfect"She said making me ball my fists.

Y/n:"You out of everyone should know that's complete bullshit"I said looking at the girl in front of me"I don't care if you dont want me anymore Bella, I'm used to not being wanted, but the others need you. They do and if you're to damn dumb to see it then I can't help one can"I said walking away from her. I was almost out the door when I stopped and face her"They aren't old sheets Bella, you can't just use them and then decide that you need a change of sheets or need new ones"I said making her blueish green eyes connect with mine.

Reckless Love {Bella Hadid/You} - Completed ✔Where stories live. Discover now