It's Complicated Part 9.

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Since its my birthday I shall bless y'all with a update 😊❤ Enjoy!


A month passed by and so far I've kept to myself and took this time to focus on my music and all the other things that's been happening in my life. I've been listening to Hailey and I've put myself out there more and I'm actually seeing someone. It isn't official or anything but I do enjoy her company.

I haven't talked or seen Bella in a month and in all honesty I did miss her but I think I just needed some time away from her think and to clear my head. I was busy flying around this month so it kept me busy and distracted which was a good thing. I was flying back to L.A today and I was far from excited. Hailey told me that I'll have to talk to Bella sooner or later and I wasn't looking forward to either. The things that were said between Bella and I weren't nice and I'm a hundred percent sure that neither one of us were going to apologise.

"Miss Y/l/n....we landed in Los Angeles"The flight attendant said making me give her small smile and grab my things. I started walking out the airport and made my way to the car I saw parked out front. I smiled once I saw the door open and gave the brown eyed girl a big smile.

Y/n:"Hey Jenner"I said making her run and hug me making me chuckle and hug her back.

Kendall:"God, I missed you"She said as she pulled away making me give her a small smile.

Y/n:"I missed you to Jenner"I said making her grab my hand and drag me to the car.

Kendall:"Lets go before paparazzi show up"She said making me nod and put my bags into her car. Once all the bags were in we started driving to my place"So how are you?"She asked as she kept her eyes on the road making me sigh.

Y/n:"I'm doing good I been keeping me busy and distracted"I said making her glance at me and sigh.

Kendall:"And when you're not busy or distracted? I'm sure you're not always busy Y/n and I'm sure you thought about her more then you intended to"She said making me frown and move a little so I was facing her.

Y/n:"What do you want me to say Kenny?"I said making her look at me and sigh.

Kendall:"I want you to stop pretending to be okay and tell me how you actually feel"She said making me bite my lip.

Y/n:"I lost her Kendall"I said looking at her making her stop and the red light and look at me"The day that we had the fight....I was planning on telling her how I feel and that I wanted to be with her. I talked to Hailey and I was scared to admit it to Bella but at the same time I couldn't stand to see her with someone else. I thought about what Hailey said and she was right...I haven't been in a proper relationship since Taylor and Bella was there for me and I guess in that time period that she was there for feelings for her got stronger and Bella has been there in my darkest times and I wanted her to be in my brightest times as well but that didn't work out so well"I said and noticed that we were moving again.

Kendall:"Was the fight really that bad?"She asked making me nod.

Y/n:"She brought up Taylor and I brought up Abel because she brought up Taylor and yes I do know that was a dick move but at the same time I was hurt by what she said"I said making Kendall look at me.

Kendall:"And what did she say exactly?"She asked.

Y/n:"And I quote 'And then you wondered why Taylor cheated on you' . I knew I was in way too over my head for Taylor but I did really care about her and you all knew how much I loved her and when Bella brought her up its like my mind just forgot how to stay calm and cool...I just felt rage"I said balling my fists as her words rang through my head.

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