It's Complicated Part 7.

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Y/n:"Taylor"I said looking at the girl in front of me making me stand there shocked. She looked at me wide eyed and looked behind me making me turn and see the girls all glaring at her while the guys gave her a cold glare.

Kendall:"What the hell are you doing here?"She asked glaring at the girl making me turn and look at her.

Taylor:"I came with them"She said pointing to the rest of the girls who Victoria Secret models and friends with us. I saw Tyler give me a apologetic smile making me shake my head and look at the table"I didn't know you'd be here Y/n...I would have-"

Y/n:"Its fine. We're all grown and its in the past so it should stay there"I said taking everyone by surprise including Taylor.

Bella:"Y/n"She said making me shake my head and walk away from them all. I walked outside and let out a unsteady breathe.

My day is going like absolute shit today. I fight with Bella and that fight ended being bigger then intended and then she brings up Taylor and then here she is. In the same damn house as me and breathing space making me feel like my lungs were going to explode any minute. I felt small hands on my back making me push them away.

Bella:"Y/n"She said making me shake my head and back away from her.

Y/n:"Don't"I said putting my hand out"Just don't come near me right now"I said making her look at me and frown.

Bella:"Come on Y/n, I'm sorry! I know that I should have those things or even brought her up but I was mad. Why do you even care about what I do with my life?"She questioned making me look a her.

Y/n:"Why do you even care what I do with my life Bella?! It was a on-going cycle with you. I understand that we had a friends with benefits deal and all those things but for Christ's sake you forgot I was human at times and had feelings! I would take flights out to wherever you were just because you asked me to and I thought it was so we can hang out but it was always for one thing and one thing only. A good fuck and then you're suddenly done with me. You would ignore me whenever we were out in public with people and then when we were alone you would suddenly care and its fucked up Bella"I said raising my voice and looking at her making her look down then look back up at me.

Bella:"Can you just calm down and-"

Y/n:"I'm not going to calm down! My ex fucking girlfriend who fucked my life up is in that house with all my friends and the last thing I needed today was to see her! I told you everything about what happened in our relationship. You knew every single thing that happened and you know what Bella"I said walking closer to her"I wouldn't have told you if I knew you'd use it against me"I said making her look at me hurt.

Bella:"I didn't use it against you Y/n"She said making me look at her.

Y/n:"Okay then, Why bring it up? Why say those things? It fucking hurt Bella!"I said making her look at me and shake her head.

Bella:"Why bring up Abel?"She asked making me look at her dead in the eye.

Y/n:"Why bring up Taylor? I brought him up because you bought her up and I'm sure that its still bothering you from earlier so imagine how I feel when you brought her up and mentioned all the other things that you did. Its sucks doesn't it"I said making her look at me and shake her head.

Bella:"God Y/n you're making this into a big deal when it isn't!"She said making me look at her and sigh.

Y/n:"When was the last time we hung out? Just as friends Bella. No affection. Nothing. When was the last we hung out as best friends?"I questioned making her look at me and frown"We haven't done that in a while and that night when you came over I thought that maybe we could have a normal day but no. You needed me and I couldn't say no and then you ditch me for pretty boy Fai"I said coldly.

Reckless Love {Bella Hadid/You} - Completed ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя