It's Complicated Part 11.

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The night was going good so far but Bella and I haven't talked yet. When were around each other we would focus on something else and completely ignore each other. I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss her but at the same time I knew that even if I tried talking to her, her watch dog would intervene.

Emily:"Y/n"She said kissing me cheek and then moved to my ear making me shiver a little.

Y/n:"Yes?"I asked trying to compose myself. She moved her hand down my chest and nipped my ear a little.

Emily:"Someone is watching us"She mumbled making me raise a eyebrow confused"To your right"She mumbled once again and kept on kissing my neck. I turned my head a little and caught Bella glaring at us making me clear my throat.

Y/n:"And?"I questioned making her pull away and wrap her arms around my neck.

Emily:"Lets have a little fun"She said pecking my lips making me hum and look at her amused.

Y/n:"And what will all this do exactly?"I asked moving my hands down to her waist

Emily:"Well for one she can see what she's missing out on, two you're a really good kisser and three"She said moving my hands down to her ass"I want to get a little wild"She mumbled before connecting our lips making me smile and kiss back.

Kyle:"Get a room!"He yelled making us break away from the kiss and laugh. She hid her face in my neck making me look at Kyle and flip him off.

Taco:"Oh feisty one aren't we Y/l/n"He said making me roll my eyes and flip him off as well. They all laughed while Bella looked at me with a slight frown while Fai was busy talking with some girl. I looked away from her and shook my head at the guys.

Y/n:"We were just kissing"I said making them give me a look and laugh.

Zayn:"I'm sure"He said smirking at me"If Kyle didn't say something you two would probably be-"

Bella:"Okay! I need a drink"She announced cutting Zayn off making them all look at her shocked while I looked at her confused. She grabbed Hailey's hand along with the other girls and dragged them all inside making me look at them confused.

Y/n:"Whats that about?"I questioned making Emily look at me and then sigh shaking her head.

Emily:"No idea...lets go somewhere private"She mumbled dragging me further away from everyone making me chuckle and follow her.


Anger. That's all felt right now. I didn't know that I could feel so angry, confused and jealous at what I just saw. I wasn't the type to get jealous easily but the way Emily was touching and kissing Y/n was driving me insane and I didn't like it one bit. I also didn't understand why it was affecting me so much.

Bella:"Okay! I need a drink"I said cutting Zayn off and grabbing Hailey and the other girls hands and dragged them inside. I dragged them in the kitchen making them look at me raising their perfectly shaped eyebrows.

Kendall:"Okay, what happened to you?"She asked making me cross my arms and look at them.

Bella:"I don't like Emily"I stated making them all look at me confused.

Hailey:"But you're friends....we're all friends"She said making me huff.

Bella:"Well I suddenly don't like her"I said making them smirk at me.

Gigi:"Are you jealous?"She asked making me shake my head instantly.

Bella:"What?! No! Why would I be jealous?!"I said defensively making them all smirk even more.

Reckless Love {Bella Hadid/You} - Completed ✔Where stories live. Discover now