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(Haha surprise)

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(Haha surprise)

After leaving the crazy Alien town, we found a running RV on the way to where ever we're going now.

As Doc drives and Addy in the passenger seat, me and 10k laid on the floor next to each other getting our rest, until I heard warrens voice.

"Where are we?" She asked in a tired voice.

"About a hundred miles north of flagstaff I'm thinking." Blake said as he looked at the map then smiled at addy.

"I dunno how much longer this old bucket of bolts is gonna keep running." Doc said.

"Talking about yourself or the rig?" Addy chuckled.

Doc scoffed, "both and I think we're getting close to the Grand Canyon."

"I went there once when I was a kid." Murphy spoke. "It was beautiful."

We all looked at him in confusion, he looked at us in the same way.

"What? Can't believe I was a kid once?" He asked with attitude.

Addy moved to the ground with some radio thing and sat next to 10k.

"Hey, wanna help me with this?" She asked him and he nodded as he rubbed his eyes.

Warren moved to the front of the RV and I sat next to Blake. "Remember when we went to the Grand Canyon?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, that was a good day." He smiled and then frowned. I put my hand on his and gave him a small smile.

"I miss them too Blake." I sighed and looked at the huge cloud of dust a couple miles away from us.

"What is that?" I asked and got up to take a closer look.

"I've been watching it for a while." Doc said. "I hope it's not what I think it is cause it's right where we're going."

"We need some recon. How's that radio coming?" Warren asked addy.

"About to find out." Addy said as she messed with a red wire then looked at 10k, he gave her a look and she nodded as he got up with an antenna.

She started to wind a thing up and it started to glow with light. I looked to see 10k getting on the roof which made my stomach churn and Vasquez waking up.

"Northern light. Northern light. Do you copy?" Addy said into the mic. "Northern light, this is Delta xray Delta. Do you copy?"

"When's the last time you talked to that guy?" Murphy asked. "Probably isn't even alive anymore."

"Aren't you a day of sunshine this morning." Vasquez said sarcastically.

"Well excuse me, princess." Murphy scoffed. "That's what happens when you haven't had a decent cup of coffee in half a decade."

"Citizen Z. This is your old pal. Addison carver." She tried again. "Do you copy?"

"Citizen Z, I know you're out there, do you copy?" She started to get frustrated. "It's me addy, do you read me?"

A few seconds later, a voice came on the radio and we were all relieved except for Murphy.

"I copy you, it's Citizen Z." He said and addy laughed. "Man is it great to hear your voice."

"It's so good to hear you're voice." Addy smiles. "Can't believe you're still alive."

"How's the package?" Citizen Z asked.

Murphy groaned. "He hates being called that! The name is Murphy! The Murphy thanks to you blabbermouth."

"Yeah I'm sorry about that." Citizen Z said."I didn't mean to sic the whole world on you."

"Yeah right." Murphy scoffed.

"Oh yeah. Excuse me? We're gonna need those coordinates." Warren said.

"Right." Addy said. "Hey, Citizen Z? We need you to transmit the GPS coordinates again, last time the transmission was breaking up, we didn't get them all. Repeat."

"Re-transmit GPS coordinates, over."

"Yeah roger that." He replied. "I'll send them as soon as I can find them. Place is kind of a mess."

"Zombie issues." He added.

"Copy you." Addy chuckled.

"Listen there's a massive zstorm headed your way. I strongly suggest that you turn south." He said in panic. "Possibly as far as Mexico before you can outflank this horde."

"It's miles wide and moving fast." He added.

"You've got to be kidding me." I scoffed.

"No, no, no we got to go West not south, west." Warren said.

"South is no good for us, how is west looking?" Addy asked Citizen Z.

"No, West is a no go. Repeat. West is a no go!" He said. "You should be making visual contact with this horde at any time."

Warren pulled out a telescope and looked towards the horde. "That's no zunami that's the end of the world."

And if anything else could get worse the RV broke down. Addy stopped talking to Citizen Z and 10k got back in the RV.

"This is just great." He said and I nodded.

"Tell me about it." I huffed.

Vasquez and Doc found three red four wheelers. We got out of the RV and gathered around the bikes as Vasquez put gas in them.

"Will those ATV's run?" Warren asked.

"This one's got my name all over it." Murphy said as he walked over to the bike and got on it.

"No way in hell im gonna let you out of my sight." Vasquez said as he got on the other bike.

Blake then got on the third bike and Warren looked at us then the bikes. "There are only room for three more."

"Me and Doc can make our way to higher ground on foot." 10k said and I looked at him in worry.

"But just don't forget to come back and get us when that mega super horde passes." Doc gave Warren a hand shake.

10k looked at me and sighed before wrapping his arms around me tightly. "Be careful, and don't do anything stupid." He tells me.

"You Be careful an don't do anything stupid." I smiled and kissed him. "I'll see you in a bit."

When we parted everybody was looking at us. Addy was in awe along with doc and the rest were in disgust.

"Get over yourselves." I fussed and got on the four wheeler with Blake.

When Blake started the bike I felt him get all excited. These were his kind of things, him and his friends use to ride these all the time at dirt tracks outside the city.

As we drove off, I looked back at 10k and Doc before giving him a small wave and looking back in front of us.

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