*Fourty Six*

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This man looked very familiar

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This man looked very familiar. Then, it hit me. He was the man with the grenade launcher when we were in Wisconsin.

"I'm the Vice President in charge of sales for the Zero Cartel." Elscorpion said. "How can I help you today?"

"Well you can start by telling us what the hell is going on." Warren scoffed.

"This?" He asked. "Just a little business between friends."

"I see you've been harvesting. Let me guess. Batch 47?"

Warren tilted her head and raised a brow.

He stepped closer. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to give it to me."

Warren hesitated for a second, but then turned towards me. She moved her head towards him which told me to give it to her.

I quickly grabbed some out of the bag and stuffed it in my pocket before giving it to Warren.

She then tossed it towards one of his men.

"I know what you are thinking." Elscorpion said. "We were bad people but that was then, this is now. We are the new Zeros."

"The more user-friendly Zeros." He added. "Admittedly, the transition was not easy."

"Yeah, well change is always hard." Warren said.

"You see, you know." He smiled. "But I digress. Where were we?"

"Oh yes, batch 47." He turned around and walked towards the doctor.

"So this is the cure everyone is talking about, huh?" He asked. "Reminds me of the crocodillo we used to sell back in the day."

"Step one. We need a fresh zombie." One of his men then shot another guy in the stomach.

Elscorpion gave one of his men a glare and whispered to him."I am very sorry about that. Good help is hard to find these days."

"I've only ever tested it on a zombie. I have no idea what a safe or affective dose on a human is." The doctor said.

"There's only way to find out." Elscorpion shrugged and walked closer to him. " I got a great idea."

He pulled out a vape out of his suit. "The power vape 3000. Solar powered."

He chuckled. "The stuff you potheads come up with." He twisted off the cap and filled it with a purple powder that was made from the pods.

"I can control the dose with this."

"Well it only takes a micro dose to stimulate the immune system." The doctor explained. "Any more than that...could be fatal."

"Says who?" Elscorpion asked.

Two of the skull guys grab the doctor. "Hey...Wait!" He yelled.

Elscorpion grabbed him by the neck and shoved the front end of the vape in his nostril. Purple smoke came out of his other nostril.

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