*Fourty Five*

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I got up and went towards Warren, doc, 10k, and Vasquez

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I got up and went towards Warren, doc, 10k, and Vasquez.

"Hey, um Cassandra just went in the lab and she kinda saw me."

Warren sighed.

"What do you want to do? Wait for Murphy to come out and jump him?" Vasquez asked.

"No, I don't like waiting. Bad things happen when you wait." Warren said.

"Well we can take the guards hostage, search the compound for him." Vasquez suggested.

"I like that." Warren nodded. "Doc, 10k, and Topaz. You guys create a diversion."

I nodded.

"Or you could just walk up and say hello like civilized people." Murphy scoffed.

I looked towards him and saw a man in a white lab coat, Cassandra, and another man that had a gun.

Warren chuckled. "Hello my ass."

"You know these folks?" The man in the coat asked.

"Oh, we've covered a bit of ground together." Murphy smiled.

"Yes,we have." I spoke up. "And seriously? I'm getting tired of chasing your bony ass all over the damn apocalypse!"

"What are we messin around for?" Vasquez asked. "This man is our prisoner and we're taking him to California."

Vasquez walked towards Murphy and Cassandra started to hiss.

"Hey! Hey!" Warren got in front of him and pushed him away slightly.

Blake came running up along with addy.

"Chill out, Rambo." Murphy chuckled.

"You know what's gonna happen? My fist in your face if you don't get to California."

"Look Girl Scout, that's not gonna happen."

"Why not?" Blake stepped forward.

"Because the whole trip to California won't be necessary." Murphy said.

Warren turned towards him with wide eyes.

"There's a cure for the zombie virus right here, in that green house." He pointed to the building. "And all we have to do is go in there and get it."

"Batch 47 is real." The man in the white coat said. "We just tested it, a bonafied zombie miracle."

"Well think about it." Murphy huffed. "No more relying on me to save the human race. It's a win-win. Right?"

"No." Warren snapped. "That's not our fight."

"Please!" The woman we saved budded in. "If there's any hope.

Warren sighed and thought for a minute. She looked back at us then nodded.

"Great!" Murphy chuckled.

Butterflies (Z Nation & 10k)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant