"Twenty Four*

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As we got farther into the tunnel, Warren cage over the radio

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As we got farther into the tunnel, Warren cage over the radio.

"Warren to doc."

"Hello, Roberta. Welcome back." Doc replied.

As we turned a corner, I saw a Z and shot it.

"Please be advised we're now entering the reactor core on the other side of the facility."

"Is there something I can do?" Warren asked.

"Oh, just the usual prayer."

"What's the status of that precious cargo?" Doc asked over the radio. "Has the mouthy package taken off?"

"Yeah, he's in the air." She answered.

A mad Z came out and grabbed 10k. 10k pushed his down and I shot it.

"Then we'll fix our little problem." Doc said.
"And see you on the way out."

We stopped and let Homer scan the pipes for something.

"How you feeling?" I asked 10k.

"Like a bake potato in this thing." He said. He was wearing a big orange suit which looked uncomfortable to be in.

Homer then came back. "Reactor core is right down this corridor."

"Then why are we standing here?" Doc asked.

"Because it's highly radioactive in there."

"I'm going to the core to manually insert those rods." Homer explained.

"By yourself?" 10k asked and stepped in his way towards the corridor.

"Out of my way, sonny." Homer demanded.

"I'm sorry. You need backup." 10k argued.

Homer sighed. "Suit yourself."

"You guys go. I've got it." 10k said to us.

Doc gave him the radio "We need to hear everything."

Doc started walking but I stood there with my arms folded.

"Topaz, go." 10k demands.

"I'm not leaving you." I argued.

"You can't come with us, it's highly radioactive!"

"And it's okay for you to go?!"

"Please go, it's too dangerous for you!" He shouted.

"Yeah, like you care." I felt my own heart break as I turned around and ran.

Once I made it out. I took off the yellow suit and grabbed the radio.

I heard them talking.

"You know you're a good kid, strong, smart, like my son max." Homer chuckled. " I just hope to god you have better luck."

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