*Fourty Seven*

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We made it to back to Wisconsin, but not in a war town, fighting over Murphy

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We made it to back to Wisconsin, but not in a war town, fighting over Murphy. It was the town the celebrated...

"The Wisconsin cheese parade." 10k said.

"You betcha!" Addy laughed as we ran from the horde of Zombies. She was helping Serena run faster since she's carrying a baby.

"I thought you can control these things." Blake scoffed.

"Not that many and certainly not for you." Murphy chuckled as he held an umbrella over him and Cassandra.

We then passed a huge wheel of cheese.

"Whoa, wait a minute." Doc stopped . "Is that cheese?"

Serena stopped and puked on the side of the road. "No way! The world's biggest wheel of cheese?"

"It's not real doc! Come on! We got to go! Puppies and kittens!" Warren yelled.

Doc cut a piece of cheese off of the wheel. "No it is real!"

"Hey, come on let's go. We got to move." Vasquez said.

"Lets go!" Warren told addy.

"She's not moving." Addy said as Serena puked.

I looked at the wheel of cheese and back to the horde of Zombies coming towards us. The road goes down hill where the Z's are coming from so I had an idea.

"Got an idea." I smiled. "Out of my way doc. I need that cheese."

"Oh come on, Topaz." He groaned. "Can't a man eat a giant cheese wheel in peace?"

"No." I said and looked at Warren. "Remember philly?"

"Oh no." Doc said. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I am." I said and put my hands on the cheese.

"Oh, no, no, no." Murphy shook his head.

Warren nodded and walked towards me. "Yes."

She moved to the other side and pulled out the ramp from under it and came back on my side.

"What happened in philly?" Blake and Vasquez asked.

"You'll see." 10k chuckled.

"All right. You ready?" Warren asked and I nodded.

"One, two, three." I counted and we pushed, making the wheel go down hill, hitting every Z in its path.

"Damn." Vasquez chuckled.

"How long do you think it'll go?" 10k asked.

"Could go a while." Warren said. "I'm pretty sure it's all downhill from here to the Mississippi."

"Now, it's time to go." Warren demanded and started walking. "If anybody asks..."

"We were nowhere near Wisconsin." We all said at the same time.

Butterflies (Z Nation & 10k)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora