Stories to tell your grandchildren - Donatello

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It's a bad idea to take advise from orange turtles, who's known for making pranks, because before you know of it, then you've embarrassed not only yourself but your boyfriend too. That is sadly a lesson, you had to learn in the hard way.

One day while you and the rest of the Hamatos stayed in Anicent One's home, you had decided you wanted to impress Donnie by learning some Japanese. The whole time you had been in Japan, Donnie had acted as your interpreter, when needed, to even the simplest words. To thank him for that, you wanted to give him a little surprise, which hopefully was useful as well for you.

It didn't take long for Mikey to notice something were going on. So when he finally asked you about it, and you had explained him what you were up to, he happily offered to learn you some good phrases you could throw at Donnie. AN that was pretty much how you ended up sitting on Mikey's futon, while he taught you some selected phrases.

"...So, if someone ask how you are, you say...?" Mikey asked with a encouraging smile.

"'Watashi wa anata ni naniyori mo daisuki'?" you replyed, doing your best to pronounce it correctly.

"Exactly! And if they look confused, you assure them by asking?"

"'Itsu kekkon-shitai?'"

Mikey grinned and high-fived you. "The student hsve become the master."

You smiled shyly. "Thanks, Mikey." Unsure, you rubbed your hands together. "But are you sure it'll work?"

"You worry too much! Of course, it'll work!" Giving you a hand, MIkey pulled you up from the futon and to your feet. "Go show the world, how awesome you are."

With a push in the back, you walked to the door, looking back at Mikey, only to see him showing you thumbs-up. Feeling assured, you quickly exited the room and ran downstairs, out the door, to the garden. Outside the garden Donnie, Leo and Raph were practicing some katas, which seemingly was instructed by Anicent One.

You stood beside Anicent One for a little, waiting for the boys to finish their katas. No matter how hard you tried to suppress it, a nervous, yet excited, smile kept sneaking onto your lips. By the time the three of them had finished, they all had noticed your presence there.

Raph tilted hus head confused at you. "Someone's in a good mood."

"Did something happen?" Leo questioned, as you passed him, making your way to Donnie.

You shook your head. "I just wanted to talk with Donnie, shortly."

Your boyfriend seemed just as confused as his brothers when you stepped in front of him. "What is it, (Y/n)? Are you alright?"

You nodded and took a deep breath, before you threw yourself into what you so hard had practiced. "Watashi wa anata ni naniyori mo daisuki(1).'"

Donnie's eyes grew wide and flustered he began to stutter. "(Y-Y/n), what are you..."

Doing as Mikey had taught you, you smiled to him and asked your second phrase. "Itsu kekkon-shitai?(2)"

This send Donnie totally off guard, and much to your surprise, his face grew bright red. You heard Leo and Raph faint giggles behind you, and when you turned towards them, they were smirking.

"W-What is it?" you questioned, your smile faltering bewildered. "D-Did I say something wrong? Was it that bad?"

Donnie coughed, his face still burning. "N-No, (Y-Y/n), but who taught you that?"

"Mikey did..." you answered uncomfortable with what was happening.

Raph grinned. "That says a lot. You gotta thank him later, Don."

"What do you meam?" you asked Raph. Not getting a answer, you turned to Donnie. "What does he mean? Donnie, what did I say?"


Donnie explained you the meaning of what you had said, and told you Mikey had tricked you into believing what you had said were right. As he explained you the meanings, your cheeks little by little grew more more red, to a point where even Raph's mask had to bow in defeat. MIkey joined you shortly after, a bright smile on his face, which only added to your embarrassment.

Next time you wanted to learn Japanese, you reminded yourself to just ask Donnie directly and spare your heart the shame.


Translation of used phrases:

1. I love you more than anything.
2. When do you want to get married?  

TMNT:  2003 Boyfriend scenario - Love Is Blossoming.Where stories live. Discover now