Forgive or forget? pt 1. - Raphael

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Note: All Turtles named by full-names are not from the 2003 dimension.

Example: "Raphael pulled you in for a hug." = From the other dimension.
"Raph seethed with jealousy." = From the 2003 dimension


You know the movies where two boys fight over the same girl and end up in a fistfight? No? Well then you definitely can't recognize the situation of two part of the same giant mutant turtle roaring at one another with you in the center.

Ever since Raphael had comforted you, you both had created a somewhat special bond with one another. You couldn't say you didn't act overly hostile towards him once in a while, but else you were like friends and your relationship as enemies had vanished.

You woke up startled and confused to the sound of shouts coming downstairs from. You could hear the faint voice of Raphael's voice erupt though the Lair, yet you were clueless to whom he was arguing with. Obviously since you were in bed, it wasn't you. And by the content in the arguing you could tell it neither was any of the brothers.

"...I have no clue who you're talking about," you heard Raphael grumble. "And even if I had, I wouldn't tell you."

More noises emerges from the entrance and then a loud crack of glass breaking. Worried by the commotion, you hastily pulled off the blanket covering you and got up. Without taking time to change out of your pajama, you ran out of the bedroom and flew down the stairs taking three steps at a time. Just as you reached the bottom, you stopped dead in your track with eyes wide in horrorfied shock.

The living room's furnitures were spread sprawled around the place and appeared more like a battlefield than home. What shocked you the most, however, was the two people who had actully made the mess.

"Raph?!" you exclaimed in disbelief at the display before you.

In front of you stood your long-since ex, Raph, towering over his counterpart who lied in the remainings of a broken glass table. Your heart sank to somewhere beneath your feet, when you noticed the cuts from glass that covered Raphael's skin.

"(Y/n)!" both of them shouted as they noticed your arrival..

You watched stunned as the tallee turtle instinctively attempted to approach you. However before he came too far, Raphael had hurried onto his feet from the floor and run over blocking his way. "You don't touch her!"

"You can't give me orders," Raph growled heated, though stopping in his track. He turned his attention to you, and instantly his eyes softened. "(Y/n)...Are you alright?"

"Alright? How can I be alright when it looks like World War 3 had started?!" you snapped at him frankly. Worried you glanced towards Raphael afraid his cuts may start bleeding. "What did you do to him?! He didn't do anything wrong!"

Your not too warm welcome surprised Raph for a moment till he remembered you still considered him for the enemy. "I didn't do anything. He was the one who attacked first and lied about you."

"Well, maybe I asked him to lie," you retorted angrily. You approached Raphael and used your sleeve to carefully take out a piece of glass there was stuck in his shoulder. "You're good?"

"Don't worry about me," he replied, continueing to glare at his taller self. "So? I lied, but it doesn't change anything. Stay away and get the shell out of here."

"Don't talk like you know her. She's coming with me, the end," Raph stated. Stepping closer he snatched your hand and began dragging you away.

"Hey...!" You tried to resist, yet his brute force was too great. Raphael, however, reacted quickly and grabbed your hand, twisting it out of his.

"I told you, jackass, I'm not letting you have her."

"Pal, you have no clue who you're messing with." Raph turned to front his shorter self, but before he could do so you hastily moved in between like a shield. Raph attempted to shove you away, but this time you were immobilizable. "(Y/n), don't tell me you're letting him force you to stay. That's just foolish."

"Fooliah? Did you come here just to insult me?" you snarled, sending him a sore look. Filled with sarcasm you added. "Thanks for reminding me how glad I am for not being with you. I'm SO grateful."

"That's not what I meant." Frustrated Raph pinched the bridge of his nose, a familiar gesture that showed he tried hard to suppress his tempee. "Dammit, I didn't come here to fight."

"The only one who's forcing anyone here is you. She wants to stay here, because she knows you're going to hurt again." Raphael let go of your hand and passed you to stand face to face with the other red-masked ninja. His expression had folded from one of anger to one that was calm. "Somehow you're me. If that's true, then you respect the decision she thinks will make her happy. If not, you're simply just a selfish wannabe."

They stared at one another tensely in dead silence. But while they were determined to not yield for the other, your certainty started wobble. You wanted to stay here where you knew you'd never experience the deviation you had felt a week ago when you arrived. Yet...Could you let go and forget about your life? Raph was one part of it, but what about your family and your school? What about everything you had left behind?

There was no third way. You had to choose.

But what would you choose?

TMNT:  2003 Boyfriend scenario - Love Is Blossoming.Where stories live. Discover now