The effect of love - Donatello

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Note: This Centuries Greatest Inventions is a none-existing book(Of what I know).


Though your shyness around Donnie had vanished mostly, there still was occasions where you couldn't meet his eyes or touch him, without your heart starting to race faster then the speed of light. These 'occasions' seemed to come more often, since your feelings for him had become clear.

One morning in the weekend you had decided to meet up with Don and show him some of the many books you had rented from the library. Inside a one of the empty water-towers, you sat with Donne, away from other people's view, showing him what you in the pile of books you had brought with you.

"You said you liked Rosalind Franklin and her discovery of DNA's structure, right?" you asked taking one book out from the bottom and showed him. "I don't know if you there's anything knew for you n this, but I thought you maybe would be curious."

"I can't believe you found so many, (Y/n). When I said, I wish, I had new sources, I wouldn't have guessed you could find so many," he replied wide-eyed. 

Donnie already had a stake in his lap of things he would like to read through. His excitement made you giggle as he reminded you of a little child to Christmas. You took the book he had in his hands and handed him another.

"I'm glad I could help," you said smiling. "I found this too: This Centuries Greatest Inventions. I could imagine there's something you could use."

He nodded. "Definitely. Thanks (Y/n)." Lightly nudging to you, he winked at you making your heart skip a beat. "You're really amazing. I hope you know that." 

"W-Well I do now," you replied averaging your eyes. Without looking you searched for a new book in your pile to show him, but instead of finding a book your hand touched Donnies hand, which seemed to had had the same mission as you. 

Quickly you moved your hand away, stammering a 'sorry', which in return got a just as stammering 'It's alright' back. While not looking, a light breeze suddenly shoved inside the water-tower you were in, and scattered none-attached pages across the floor in one paper mess.

"Oh no!" you exclaimed out loud and got up to gather the pages before they could fly anywhere further. Don got to his feet and helped you collecting them. One after another you had them all but one. Crouching and reaching out simultaneously you again found your hand touching Don's, this time with his over yours, so you couldn't move it away.

You looked up surprised, just to see your face was inches from his. Your heart started beating incredible fast and your cheeks turning a bright red when your eyes locked with his, which resulted in a blush from him as well. You wanted to look away in embarrassment, but for some reason you couldn't move.

As you stared at each other for God knows how long speechless, Donnie finally found enough of his courage to speak...kinda. "(Y-Y/n)...I..I've wanted to ask you something..."

"Y-Yeah? What is it?"

"I-I wondered if..." As your heart didn't seem to could beat faster and your hopes couldn't have been higher, a little melody  from Don's belt was played. You blinked from your daze and he tried to repeat what he had said, but not able to ignore the sound of his Shell Cell, he sighing took it out.

"What's wrong Raph?" he said as he answered. "Wait...What?! No, no...Yeah, I got that..."

Astonished, not believing what just happened, you blushed picking the last page up. The spell between you were broken. What had Donnie been trying to say? You died inwardly from curiosity, but the moment was over.

"He have what with what?" Watching Don as he facepalmed, you wondered what was wrong. "Alright, firstly make sure Mikey hasn't been burned. Secondly kick Casey out of the lab! I'll fix it when I'm home."

As Donnie ended the call, you looked at him concerned. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, a friend of mine have for reasons unknown, decided to play in my lab...But it's fine, it should be under control." Sending you a assuring smile he stood up. "We came from This Centuries Greatest Inventions, right?"

Nodding you continued your conversation from earlier as if nothing happened.

TMNT:  2003 Boyfriend scenario - Love Is Blossoming.Where stories live. Discover now