Take On The World

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So this is basically the pilot of 'Girl Meets World' but with glee characters and slight change in plot.

Note: It's going to be friendship Klaine (their like 13-14 btw) with Kurt being Riley and Blaine being Maya. Also this takes place in NYC.

It'll hopefully make more sense once you read it.

I watch way too many shows.

I also own non of these characters or the plot for GMW.

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"Are you ready to do this?" Blaine asked Kurt as they sat on the edge of Kurt's bed, staring out his bay window, one window open.

"Born ready." Kurt said more confidently than he felt. "My dad needs to learn that I'm not a good little kid who follows rules all the time."

Blaine gave him an amused look but nodded. "Okay, so the plan is we climb out the window-"

"And take the fire escape down to the sidewalk where you lead me to subway and then I'm a free child!"

Blaine laughed. "That's right. Okay, on the count of three. 1. 2.-"

"Wait!" Kurt exclaimed as he spread his arms out over dramatically.

The younger boy sighed, he expected this. "Aaaand, here it comes."

"What if we get caught, Blaine? How will I explain to my father that I'm growing up?! He'll be heartbroken, B. Heartbroken!"

He rolled his eyes and took Kurt's hands into his. "Kurt, your father knows you can't be his little boy forever. He would want you to do this." Blaine said with a smirk, knowing Burt would want Kurt to do anything but this.

"You're right." Kurt breathed, believing Blaine then composing himself. "Okay." He said after a couple of seconds. "I'm ready."

"Good." Blaine said, standing up and pulling Kurt up with him. "We're just going to go, no counting."

Kurt nodded and before he knew it, he was being pushed on his knees with Blaine yelling, "Go!"

He immediately crawled out the window with Blaine following close behind, they were so close to the fire escape when they heard a cough right in front of them, Kurt slowly moved his head up to come face to face with Burt Hummel.

"Hey, Dad." He said non-chattily. "Nice weather we got here, isn't it?"

A not so amused Burt pointed a finger back to Kurt's window. "Room, now. Both of you." He said, making eye contact with both boys.

The pair sighed and crawled backwards into the room and onto Kurt's bed, arms folded.

"What do you two think you're doing?" Burt asked, standing in front of two after closing the window.

"I just want to ride the subway, dad!" Kurt suddenly says. "Is that too hard to ask? Blaine does it every day, why can't I? I think I'm old enough."

Surprising both boys, Burt smiled. "You think you're ready for that?"

Kurt nodded.

"Well I think you are too."

"But dad- wait, what? Seriously?"

Burt nodded. "I trust you and Blaine knows the subway like you know your own closet so I know you're in good hands. Anderson, just, watch over him, okay?" He asked, giving Blaine a pleading look.

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