The Most Horrible Thing a Person Could Say

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"I want a divorce!"

"Kurt, I think your overreacting a bit. Also that would be a bit hard to get, considering we're not even married yet."

Kurt got off the couch in a rage and went to go scrub the dirty dishes, Blaine following him, "I think now, I don't want to marry you, because what you said was the most horrible thing a person could say!"

"But it's my opinion! What's wrong with that?" Blaine asked, clearly confused on why his fiancée was reacting like this.

"Your opinion," he put the word in air quotes, "Was very hurtful and disgusting. If I'm going to marry you, you can't be saying those things in public!"

Blaine rolled his eyes, at that moment Rachel and Santana came home from class and looked at the two with confused looks.

"Are we interrupting something ?" Rachel asked, looking from Kurt to Blaine.

"Yeah, you two look like you were fighting over something serious." Santana said, getting a snack from the cabinet and sitting on the couch, "Please continue."

The other three gave the Latina girl a look before getting back into the conversation, "Kurt and I were watching a movie and I said my opinion on something, next thing I know he's going on about not wanting to marry me!" Blaine told the girl with an exasperated tone.

"What exactly did he say, Kurt?" Rachel asked the taller male.

Blaine was about to answer when Kurt stopped him, "You say it out loud one more time Anderson and I will personally throw away all your bowties."

Blaine let out an aggravating sigh as he whispered it into Rachel's ear, for a few seconds all you could hear was the munching of food by Santana as she sat on the edge of the couch in suspense.

When Blaine was done, Rachel's eyes opened widely, "You said that?! To Kurt?!" She exclaimed loudly, her arms flying wildly around the place, "Why would you do that? You're lucky you didn't get slapped like I did in sophomore year." She shook her head at the memory and went to go make herself some tea.

"See Blaine, Rachel knows not to say terrible things like that." Kurt told his fiancée as he followed Rachel.

"What did gel head say to Lady Lips, for crying out loud!" Santana asked from her spot on the couch, getting annoyed.

Blaine, ignoring what Kurt said earlier, explained the situation to the girl, "Kurt and I were watching Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, when we were done, I commented on something and he just blew up on me".

Santana was praying, hoping, that Blaine didn't say what she thinks he said, "The comment was. . ."

Blaine looked from Santana to Rachel then finally at Kurt as he said, "I may have told Kurt that, I thought the Percy Jackson movies were better then the Harry Potter movies."

Santana stared at Blaine eyes wide and mouth open, "Um hobbit? Porcelain I think just headed to your room to throw away all your god-awful bowties."

Blaine turned to see Kurt heading off to their room, he ran after him telling him he'll apologize, and to just leave the poor bowties out of this.

Santana and Rachel both grabbed snacks and headed to the boys room to watch this all go down... and maybe even record it.


I thought this was a cute idea, I saw a meme about the Percy Jackson movies and came up with this.

But seriously, those movies were NOTHING like the books, ok let me stop or I'll never stop ranting.

Please tell me what you think, comment, vote! As always, I'm open for suggestions.

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