In Loving Memory

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So this may be kinda short.

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Kurt walked across the field, passing by dozens upon dozens of headstones.

He used to come here at least twice a year, for his mom's birthday and also on Mother's Day. If he had some free time though, he'll come just to clear his head.

But now. Now, he comes to the Lima Ohio Cemetery not twice a year,but four times a year. The reason being, to him at least, is because fate is cruel and had to take away yet another person he loved and cared for so deeply.

Walking up to the headstone he was looking for, he sat down criss-cross applesauced and brushed his fingers over the lettering.

Sitting there, he felt the cool air against his neck and he just breathed it in. The chestnut hair boy then picked up the flowers he'd bought and put them in their given vases.

Looking at the headstone again, his eyes started watering with tears as he read the words over and over again, not wanting them to be true.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around Kurt's waist and kissed his cheek. Smelling hair gel and coffee, he knew it was Blaine.

"I thought I told you, you could stay in the car. I'm fine." Kurt said quietly.

"Are you sure about that?" Blaine asked.

Kurt didn't say anything, he just got himself comfortable in his husband arms and started sobbing into his shirt. Blaine honestly didn't care. He just rubbed his hand in a circular motion on Kurt's back, not speaking, knowing that the other boy just wanted to let it all out.

After a few minutes, Kurt started sniffling, "Why him, Blaine? He was the kindest, most loving man ever. He did nothing to deserve this."

Blaine kissed his lovers forehead, "I know baby, but he's in a better place now. He was in so much pain here, it would've been cruel to let him live on."

"I just miss him a lot." Kurt said into the younger mans chest quietly. Knowing what he said was true.

"Me too,love, me too."

They both looked at the words on the tombstone, wishing this was all just a horrible nightmare and they would both soon wake up.

In Loving Memory of
Burt Hummel
Beloved Dad, Husband and Grandfather.
"You know what they call a unicorn without a horn? A freakin horse."

"Did he really say that to you? Blaine asked, smiling a bit.

Kurt couldn't help but smile too, "Yeah, my senior year he was giving me a pep talk and I guess that his idea of inspirational words."

Blaine chuckled and held Kurt closer to him, Kurt's warmth radiating off to him.

"He didn't know." Kurt said suddenly.

Blaine scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"That he was going to be a grandfather. My dad didn't know." Kurt said sadly.

Blaine didn't say anything, he just held Kurt and let his husband grieve.

Did I forget to mention it was gonna be sad?

I did? Well oops...

Ending was crappy, I know but honestly, I didn't know how to end it.

Uhhh let's see, what else do I have to tell you amazing people...

*snaps fingers* Right! (Self Promoting ahead) Ok so I just published a Glee-One Shot book and if you're really nice you would check it out.... if you don't that's ok too. (I'm taking requests)

Thanks again for reading!

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