I Was Gone for a Week!

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I'm alive! And I hope you like this.

It's based off the prompt above.

Two kids- Tracy & Hepburn (twins who are 5)


Kurt was exhausted.

He and Isabelle just came back from a trip to Paris for a magazine shoot, while he had the greatest time imaginable, all he wanted to do now was go back home to his husband and kids then pass out on the bed.

"We have to do what?" Kurt snapped as he gripped the coffee cup in his hand tighter to refrain from throwing it at something.

"We have to download all the pictures and make sure they all get sent to all the right people." Isabelle explained as she put two packs of sugar in her cup and mixed it with a wooden stick.

"And this can't happen tomorrow because. . .?" He asked with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Because I told them I would get it done my 10:00 tonight." The blonde said, not making eye contact as she threw away the stick and started to drink her own coffee.

Kurt groaned as they walked out of the coffee shop and down the sidewalk to the Vogue.com building. "Isabelle,I love you very much for giving me this opportunity and for being the best boss in the history of bosses but I ask you this one question, why the hell would you tell them you would have it done by tonight?!"

"So we could have tomorrow off, Kurt." She sighed, pressing her ID badge to the scanner that opened the front doors. "You have a family to get back too and I have a VCR filled with recorded shows that I have to get back too. If we get this done tonight, tomorrow is lazy day!" She said happily, making her way to the elevators with Kurt following.

The chestnut hair boy took a sharp inhale and exhale as he entered the elevator and pressed the floor number before banging his head on the walls. "Fine. But I'm going to need another cup of coffee and a slice of cheesecake."

She laughed. "That can be arranged. Why don't you also call that cute husband and adorable children of yours to calm you down, I don't like grumpy Kurt."

He shot her a look as they both stepped out of the elevator, going down opposite directions in the hallway. "I'll be there in a sec." Kurt said.

She gave him a thumbs up before heading through the double doors and to her office.

He got out his phone and dialed the very familiar number and waited for someone to pick up.

Someone did on the second ring. "Hi, Daddy!" came two excited voices, they calmed Kurt immediately and put a smile on his face.

"Hey, babies!" He exclaimed. "How are you guys?"

"We're good, Daddy." Tracy said. "Papa's making us pasta for dinner."

"And he almost burnt down he kitchen!" Hepburn exclaimed then the two started giggling.

Kurt couldn't help but laugh. "Oh did he now? I hope you two stopped him before it got serious."

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