String Soulmates

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Based off the video above. It's really cute and you should watch it.

I'm gonna change it slightly from the video.

Thanks to BoardwayGeek for the suggestion!!


The red string that connects soulmates. You hear the story at a young age.

You are the only person that can see your own string. They're the only clue, which tells you where your soulmate currently is. Some people keep their whole lives trying to find their loved one, even starting as early as kids.

Others ignore them and wait until adulthood.


Kurt wasn't one to sit around and let love come find him.

No, he wanted to go out and venture into the world to meet his soulmate and fall madly in love, you know, the fantasy every person dreams of.

There was only one problem.

He didn't have the damn string.

The string that determines who he was going to be with for the rest of his life...he didn't have it.

He found out one day in kindergarten when his teacher was going over a lesson about soulmates. "You are the only one to see the string." She had told the class. "Some people start as early as 10 years old to find their soulmate, others wait till they're older."

Kurt looked around at the kids in the room and saw how happy they looked, he didn't have a string and didn't understand why. "Ms. C? I don't have a string." He told the teacher confidentiality as he raised his hand, "Is there something wrong with me?"

He remembered the whispers and gasps as the other students pointed at him, obviously talking about him. He remembered the teachers comforting words on the fact that there was definitely nothing wrong with him and that maybe he'll get a string soon.

Well that bitch lied to him.

He was now about to turn 16 and he still didn't have it.

People have told him different things as to why he didn't have it. His best friend said that she heard sometimes it comes later for different people, but Kurt didn't know if that was true or if she just wanted to make him feel better.

When he came out, people started saying that was the reason he didn't have a soulmate, because fags don't deserve it.

That assumption hurt the most.

But he didn't let people's words affect him as he just waited patiently for the string to come, wishing, hoping, for it to come soon.

"Kiddo, you're different. It's the best thing about you, don't ever change." His dad told him on his 17th birthday when he caught Kurt shedding a few tears after he had a conversation with Rachel and Mercedes about the two girls finding their soulmates.

"String or not. I love you, never forget that." He said, Kurt shot him a grateful smile. His dad had been saying that to him since kindergarten and it always made him feel happy that someone would love him no matter what.

After a call from Quinn, Brittany, Tina, Santana and Lauren about finding their soulmates. Kurt thought he would never find love and was just about to give up.

Until one day that all changed.

It was a normal, regular, boring day from Kurt when he got a Instagram notification.

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