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We find our heroes now trapped in the awesome Naruto world, having difficulties because of our crazed fangirls

Pyro: Gaara! Kiba! Sasuke - sama! *Eyes replaced by hearts  and glomps*

Sasuke: . . . . . . 

Kiba: (O_O;;)

Gaara: 0_0

Tsukiko: *Fangirls along with Pyro*

Everyone: 0_0

Drew: -_- JM, we have dares.

Pyro: *snaps out of fangirlling* Oh. Okay! ^_^ *Mutters* Jerk. Next time, we're visiting Attack on Titan world to feed you to the Titans.

Drew: What was that?

Pyro: ^_^ Nuthin!

May: Um. . . . Dares?

Pyro: Yay! Lets start! :D

Wendy: Okay. These are from Kitty!

I dare all the OCs to face their biggest fear Sora and Abby are excused from this


Chase = Scissors

Austin = Clowns

Riku = Creepypastas

Soren = Giovanni and Lillipups

Takeo = Espurrs, Meowstics, spider - like creatures and Silent Hill [Soon, I'll reveal why he hates them]

Emma = the dark

Kohaku = Miley and JB music

OC's: *Rocks in a corner* Mommy. . . . .  . .

SMG: No one hurts Emma! *Kills the Dark*

The most hated people get paper cuts and swim in a pool of lemons

Pyro: Yay! *Takes out paper swords and charges at Hiro and Nyx*

Hiro and Nyx: *Screams out in pain*

Pyro: This. . . Is. . . SPARTA!!!! *Kicks them in a pool of lemon*

The Two Monsters: *Screams*

Naruto: Uhhh. . . o_o Is this normal?

Drew: *Nods*

I dare Chase, Austin, Takeo, Soren, and Riku to dress like Narwals and sing along the Narwal Song

Austin, Riku, Chase, Soren and Takeo: Not the Narwals!!!! DX

Pyro: Yes the Narwals!!! *Turns them to Narwals and uses awesome author powers*

(I can't find the lyrics in da internet, sowwy)

Soren fight with WWE wrestlers

The Rock: Do you ssssmmmeeeellll what the Rock is cooking?! ╰(ಠ益ಠ)╯

Pyro: *Fangirls and plays Undertaker song as Undertaker enters the ring*

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