1.26K OMG!!!

2.2K 42 43

PG:Oh my gosh!!!

Sora and the others:What?

PG:We just got 1.26K reads!


Sora:Oh gosh!A Scarred Past is now 2.K reads!And Dragon's Heart is reaching 1.K!

PG:Awesome!I'd like to thank all the readers!You don't know how much it means to me!One vote and comment makes me sooooooo happy!I luv ya guys!You are all awesome!

Riku:Alright!Let's get started!

PG:And let's welcome,Sapphire or cystal123!*Sapphire walks in*


PG:Now let's start!

*runs like barry* AM I TO LATE TO JOIN!?!?!? If yes then I still got some dares I guess.

Everyone and I mean EVERYONE even PG will play Hunger Games and the winner gets to be attacked in the end when everyone else revive! (Sora sorry if u win)

PG:Okay!I'm going to write an EPIC,I mean epic,battle scene!So get your battle music ready,cause the awesomeness is increased by 10000000000000000000000000!And I'm going to die,because I have no chance against Sora.Why does she have to be so epic? -_- Oh well,to the arena!There are a few rules!No killing!Just injure each other!And no teaming up!Okay,good luck to all of us.

Everyone gathered in the arena,getting ready to run as they waited for the sound of the cannon to end the deafening silence in the arena.Some felt their heart pound and sweat trickled down their foreheads,while some were focused on the battlefield.The sound of canon was heard,and everyone sprinted toward the tent (A/N:Is that what's called?The little house like thingy that contains weapons and supplies?)

Everyone grabbed a random weapon,while Abby took a katana and a few shurikens,Takeo took a spear and broad sword and Sora took a few small blades,shurikens,a foldable spear and a large sword.The battle started,and it was a bloodbath for our heroes.

Scarlet accidentally hit Skyla on the head with the spoon she have.She gasped as Skyla fainted.

"Oh my gosh!I'm so sorry!"Scarlet busted to tears when Skyla disappeared and a canon was heard."I killed someone!I-I-I'm a m-m-murderer."And with that,she accidentally hit herself with the spoon.She collapsed to the ground,and a canon was heard.

Sora jumped up in the air and grabbed Brendan with her legs,locking his neck in between her ankles.She muttered an apology to him and,while supporting herself on the ground with her hands,she swung her body forward,sending a surpised Brendan flying.He crashed to a tree and fell down,then disappeared as the sound of a canon was heard,declaring the defeat of the silver haired trainer.Sora sighed with relief when she realized her best friend was now in the sidelines,tending his injuries.

She soon felt someone grab her from behind.She gasped as Nyx placed a blade under her throat,throwing her a threatening glare as Sora tried to squirm.The brunette screamed out,deafening Nyx at the earpiercing shriek she produced and Sora grabbed the oppurtunity to grab Nyx by the shoulders.She spun in a large circle,still gripping on a confused Nyx,and threw her.Sora gasped as Nyx hit Zach and Chase,who were fighting.

"Oops.Sorry!"She grinned sheepishly at the three unconscious people before her.Another sound of a canon exploding was heard as Nyx,Zach and Chase's images appeared on the screen.Sora suddenly got an idea and grabbed Seth,then with a grin,she spun and threw him toward Travis,Mark,Anna and Chase#2.The five victims of the Young Dragoness collapsed to the ground,and more canons were heard.

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