Dates?! O_O

887 28 68

Pyro: *Was still singing Unhappy Refrain because it is her own version of 1D's 'Story of My Life"*

"Shotgun and a telecaster,

The words aligned how unhappy.

All alone in the city at night,

You hate the sound of a gunshot, right?

Breaking with this tired voice of mine,

Wasted so much of my precious time.

Just as you have fallen into to my own hands,

I can't let you go; that I understand.

"The one-man live act was a hit!"

In my head it was like a girly comic.

Even though we're out of bullets,

There's still time to do a table-flip.

Everything's going our own way

And we pick them up as I say;

'To these old lives I bid bye-bye!'

I'll be looking to the future, right?

Spinning myself just looking for mistakes,

Teaching myself even as it continues to break

I'm not lonely, oh no! (Oh no)

That so? (That so) That so? (That so) That's so.

So is it, so is it, so is it lucky?

Still spinning round on the 39th loop.

So is it, so is it, well is it happy?

I don't understand what should be understood!

The sounds that still echo around in my head,

I can't even tell where they begin or end.

Those words? Those words! They weren't important!

But it seems like both of us didn't understand!

Somewhere we can't see,

It drops finally,

An upside-down girl's

Adulterated world.

Shotgun and a telecaster,

At a loss for words how unlucky.

With no life left it's GAME OVER

I want to be sick, just looking at it.

Giving up on the idea of;

'One more time' when all is said and done.

Rolling through my repeated mistakes

To laugh it off is all it takes.

"The one man live act was a hit",

The festival moved me quite a bit.

Even though we agreed to stop it,

Why not one more table-flip?

Breaking within this song of mine,

Still Wavering through the time.

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