( ._.) Wow.

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Guys, I'll try to update soon, but life's sht kept holding me back :(

I'm trying to fix all my problems in life, but it seems as if it's just getting worse. I'm trying to avoid everyone after getting humiliated and being called a 'slut' by the same btch. So now I'm no longer the happy-go-lucky Jessica in my classroom, but the lonely 'slut' or whatever they call me. ( ._.)

May I ask you something? Please answer me  truthfully.

Am I really annoying?

Everyone says I'm annoying as hell, and I'm trying to change but I can't even change a single thing. But I'm still not gonna give up on being crazy.

Anyways, Im trying to study for tests. I'm really sorry if I'm annoying you with these notes, but I promise I'll update. Heck, I'll try to write chapters so you get a shower of updates at my birthday.

Oh. And I'll be entering ISFY (I'll Smile For You) in PokemonWattyAwards. I'm ready to lose (*_*)7

Good news! I actually touched the one who I ike on the arm! Sorry I got so excited when he left, I danced and hit my arm. So yay for injuries! It hurts to type, but. . . Worth it XD I even got to have group activities with him! And he's absent the day I suddenly burst out crying so I can't be embarrassed even more ^•^

Bye guys. I'll make it up for you! ^•^

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