I Apologize

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I'm working on the new update because I managed to fix my gmail account, but I'm not in the mood to write. Will I be excused to rant here, because in the diart it's not enough.

Kids, please turn away because this is going to b as ugly as the asshole of my bitchy classmate.


WHAT ELSE DP YOU FCKING WANT FROM ME?! YOU WANT ME TO FCING DIE R SOMETHING! Fck you! I could jut burn that vagina of yours and fcking shove alarge torch insife of that! Fck you!

You know what, I'm not going to bother with school! I no longer have the fcking will to attend it! You fcking deserve to be screamed colorful words at by my teacher and get hit by her, then received a lot of punishments! fck you! You want to fcking ruin my life, I'll ruin yours beforw you could even lay a finger! you're fcking lucky I still have humanity inside of me, unlike you yu fcking half witch and demon!

You want to spread rumors about me that mafe me the whole laughtsock of the whole school, go fcking die in a hole. You want to be popular? Jump off a window and you'll be famous! You want to be smart? Let me shove a math book and other books in that ugly fcking mouth of yourd and impale some pencils and rulers in your eyes, then squeeze the food out of your fat stomach!

You want me to fcking die? You go first! You make fun of me for my low self esteem? Then let me show you how fcked up my life is! even two rants are not enough to descrieb how angry I am!

I'm not usually like this to people, but you asshole of a fcking btichy slut, you just crossed the line! Gah! You are lucky I still have some compassion in my heart. I could just rip off your heart and replace it with a dog's heart, because even a real dog knows how to be kind unlike you!

Okay, I have enugh. No! I'm still about to explode. -.-

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