Sonic World!!!

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Pyro: And we're back with ze crazy T or D! Booya!

Everyone: \(^0^)/ (-____-) (0_0) (>0_0)> DX (TT^TT)

Pyro: Oh. And lets welcome, our new co - host, Wendy or WendyMarvell127! ^_^

Wendy: Hi!~ *Grabs dares from Sora*

Pyro: *Teleports them all to Sonic World*

Everyone almost jumped when a flash of blue ran pass them

Pyro: Hi, Sonic!

Sonic: *stops* Oh. Yo! *Waves coolly*

Drew: . . . . . *Screams when someone hit his head with a hammer*

Amy: Sonic!!!! *glomps*

Shadow: -_-

Cream: U - u - uh. . . . Hi. *Waves shyly*

Tails: Hi! *Waves*

Pyro: OMG!!! TAILS!!! *Hugs Tails* You chu adowable! :3

Wendy: Uhh. Lets start! This is from me!

Can you put them under a love spell for two chapters?

Pyro: Ooh! *Places Sonic, Nyx, Hiro, a Mr.Mime, and a few drunk ninja Mankeys under a love spell, then duplicates Gold, then places the duplicate under a spell*

DNM: *Chases Chase, Austin and Riku with hearts in their eyes* (Somebody dare them and le other OC's!)

Duplicate Gold and Crystal: *Was making out in a corner*

Real Gold and Kitty: *Does de same XD*

Mr. Mime: *Was trying to um. . . Do things to Nyx*

Hiro: *Was trying to pull Nyx away* Mine! Mine!

Mr. Mime: Mime mime!

Erza: *Grabs dares* Next are from PPG10.

I'm not done torturing Grey. So I dare myself to drown him in lava! *laughs evilly*

Grey: Oh sht! *Tries to run, but was grabbed by a chain from PPG10, cuz she's awesome XD*

Pyro: *Creates a volcano* Fire away! (^0^)/

PPG10: *Hurls Grey at the lava while epic music is playing*

Wendy: Next!

Lady A, I haven't dared you for a while. I dare to get your hair done by... Drew!

Lady A: Nuuuuu!!!!

Drew: *Ties her on a chair, then does her hair*

Lady A: *screams*


Lady A: Um. . . Not bad.

Drew: *smirks* Of course. *Flicks hair*

Horse face, tell the truth. Do you actually have a crush on Mikasa?

Jean: I - I uh. . . 0\\\0

Mikasa: 0_0

Eren: o.e

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