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Pyro:*Sighs*I'm bored.....Board....Beard.....Bird....Bored.....I CAN'T TAKE IT!FIYAH!!!!!*Throws fireball around*

Everyone:Ms.Ramdom is back -_-

Pyro:*Pulls Masamune and starts to sing Titanium*You shoot me down,but I won't fall.I am Titanium!!!


Pyro:Stone hard...Machine guns....Fire at the ones who run!XD

Len:Pyro,we got to go now.

Rin:We have work to do.^_^ We really enjoyed our stay here!

Pyro:I'm going to miss you guys.*Hugs Rin*And I'll miss you soooo much,Len!*Hugs Len*

Masamune:*Eye twitches and takes out rapier*

Pyro:Ok!Bye,guys! (^Δ^)/ *Hugs Masamune*

Masamune:*Rolls eye* >////>

Characters from Digimon:We also gotta go.We have missions to do.

Pyro:Ok!*Hugs Matt*Luv ya,Matt!

Masamune:*Eye twitches even more*

Sora from Digimon:Bye!

Everyone who is not emo:Bye!

As Soon As They Left


Masamune:*Folds arms across chest*You remind me Lu Xun.(A/N:A character from Dynasty Warriors)

Pyro:Well.....We'll make the perfect couple 'cause we both like fire.Uuuhhhh.Where are you going?

Masamune:I'm going to kill him.

Pyro:No!Don't make me call Nobunaga and Lady Nene!


Pyro:I know Lady Nene will probably scold you and that you'll be facing Nobunaga's Rayquaza.^_^

Masamune:*Sweatdrops*Don't you dare.....

Pyro:Too late!*Summons other characters from Pokémon Conquest*Hi guys!

Yukimura:0_0 Where are we?This isn't Ransei!

Kunoichi:Weeee!More fun!*Grins mischievously*



Pyro:Hi guys!^_^

Ginchiyo:This....Is ridiculous......

Sora:Yay!More guests! \(^Δ^)/

Magoichi:*Winks at her*Hey,pretty lady.Want to go out....Maybe for a drink?

Wrong Direction:*Takes out weapons*

Sora:*Kicks him where the sun doesn't shine*

Magoichi:*Collapses to the ground*Such.....A beautiful rose.....with a lot of thorns....*Dies*

Masamune:*Sighs*Magoichi,you always have to act like that?-_-

Pyro:Let the chaos begin!FIYAH!*Throws fireballs around*

Kunoichi:Weeee!*Throws daggers around*

Kenshin:*Smirks and watches with amusement,then starts drinking*

Kotaro:*Also smirks and watches*Soon....The winds of chaos will spread....


Sora:*Takes out chainsaw*Bow down before me!!!!Muwahahahahaha!Pyro made me do this!

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