Sugar Rush!!!!

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Pyro:*Was jumping up and down while squealing*

Masamune:What now?!A hot Anime guy?!Len Kagamine?!>_<


Masamune:Then what?!

Pyro:Gen.3 Remake has been confirmed!*Squeals and violently shakes Masamune*

Masamune:No way!<o<

Pyro:Yes way!But....*Cries*I still have to convince my parents to buy me a DS,and my birthday is August,I have to wait!DX (A/N:*Curls up in a ball and cries*And there's a possibility that my parents won't buy me a DS!:'( *Sobs in a corner* )

Masamune:-_- Poor girl.

Pyro:Anyways,I bet all of you are excited for the remake!*Squeals*Hoenn is ma fave region,Pokemon Emerald is the very first Pokemon game I played!^_^

Masamune:-_- Samurai Warriors came first.

Pyro:Jelly!~Oh.Did you guys like my new profile pic?I used my picture so my friends in real life,who also use Wattpad,here can identify who I am.If you tell me I'm ugly,*shrugs*I don't care.I don't care about looks,so,*Shows ______ finger to haters*Back off haters,I may be ugly in your opinion,but I'm still awesome! :P


Pyro:Oh right.*Snaps fingers and everyone appeared in Sugar Rush*

Sora:Huh?*Sees Vanellope*Oh!Hi!(^O^)/

Vanellope:Huh?Oh wow!*Glitches toward Sora*Your hair is sooooooooooo long!*Plays with Sora's hair*How did you manage to get it this long?

Sora:Um...I never cut my hair.The last time I cut it is when I was five years old,only because I had a lollipop stuck on it!^_^


Pyro:Awww!Vanellope is adorable!*Hugs*

Vanellope:Hey!*Glitches out of Pyro's arms*No huggies!

Pyro:*Giggles*Soooo adorbs!

May:Yea!I love love love her hair!

Pyro:Lets start with le dares!

Sora:'Kay!These are from

Drew fight with a drunk Mankey

Drew:-_- Why?

Pyro:Cuz,*Snaps fingers and a drunk Mankey appears*We all love ya!^_^*Ignores Drew's screams*Next!

Ash fight over a piece of food with a hobo

Pyro:*Hears Ash's shouts*Huh?

Ash:MY sandwich!>_<

Hobo:I got it first,ya little *Beep*

Pyro:O_O Next!

Misty why are you scared of bugs?

Misty:Because they are disgusting!>_<

Pyro:Oh yea?Say hello to my pet spiders!*Shows her a box filled with my beloved pet spiders*(A/N:I don't get why people are afraid of spiders,even the manliest of men!I mean,come on!They're awesome and in my opinion adorable!)

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